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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

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Not really a country music fan, but for the high profile very public ones, I do not see a match immediately.


I'd like to see her really go and change it up to her real hair, assuming she does not have something like alopecia or other thinning.  Or at least shoulder length, for a truly fresh look. Really long hair makes her look shorter and more "little girl" looking in my opinion. The severely curled bangs look is so 1990 (see the teen girls of Full House, Drew Barrymore, 90210 ladies, etc.) This is coming from someone who lived it and wore her hair this way the first time around in high school.  Brush them out a little or ditch them entirely if they are in the face... should that be her reason for curling them so tightly.

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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

@RescueLover wrote:

Happy New Year!! @Kitty Galore

My husband keeps hinting that maybe it’s time to take the Christmas tree down. 🤣

It always goes up the week of Christmas, so it’s not like it’s been up since Thanksgiving. 😂

hi again @RescueLover    Ours have actually been up since mid November!   I'm just still not ready to take it all down !   I love looking at the lights in the evening .  My husband like yours feels it's time to come down and get everything back to normal ...whatever that is lol 😂 


how did he like the snow globe ?


I bought a couple of items from MC after Christmas when they were on sale,  such good prices if you can wait .   I purchased an item I never thought I could as it was so pricey !   It was a wish item.

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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

Well one thing about Courtney is that she is not afraid of change....When I was younger I liked to experiment too with hair color and styles, and makeup.....It was fun! Now, I don't do it too much, mostly if I experiment its with makeup.. 

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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

Hello!! @Kitty Galore 💕

😂 Great Minds think alike …Hoping I can get away with a few more weeks of Christmas.

I waited until a few days before Christmas to open that snow globe. I was going to give it to him at Thanksgiving, but never did.

The snow globe wasn’t all that great. The biggest disappointment (which a reviewer pointed out) is it didn’t sound at all like “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” and the Courtly Check bow on the one I got was missing 1/2 the black checks? That looked strange.

I sent it back and will keep looking for the perfect Cardinal snow globe, since he loves those birds so much. He thinks of his dad when he sees one too. Hence another reason I wanted it to play the correct tune.

I want to know what you treated yourself too that was MacKenzie Child’s!!!

BTW I really liked the black & white snow covered bottle brush trees by Valerie. I put one in our kitchen and the other on our dining room hutch. What a deal!! 🤗
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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

hi @RescueLover    😸

im so sorry to hear that the snow globe wasn't all you wished .   It's so dissapointing when that happens .   I know you'll find the perfect snow globe and it will be perfect !!   Cardinals are beautful birds.    We had a nest in our red maple this past spring .  Loved watching the mom and dad care for the babies.

Yes!  I want to get at least a couple more weeks of Christmas !   We have so much snow out there and more on the way so it actually feels like a Christmas !  Did you get all that snow from a couple weeks ago too ?


I purchase the Crystal  Palace stagecoach with deer .    I don't  know why it's called stagecoach as it looks like a Cinderella  carriage  to me ,  it's magical,  so much more beautiful then I even thought it would be !!   I was thrilled to get it at such a good discount as well !   I will be keeping it out all year in our DR. 



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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

WOW that Crystal Palace piece sounds Absolutely Gorgeous!! I’m going to look it up after I post you!! 😉

We have plenty of snow here too. I love the change of seasons and when one is about to end, I’m always ready for the next one.

You are so lucky you had Cardinals nesting in your Maple tree! How COOL is that!! We’ve had Bluebirds and thought that was COOL, but never Cardinals.

I have been VERY Lucky and got to see Bald Eagles close by last year and again this year !! Something I will never ever forget!! My family thinks they’re a spiritual sign. Whatever the reason I feel very blessed. 🥰

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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

hi @RescueLover   


Love eagles !   Always exciting when ya see one !   Never saw one close up ,  you can't miss there huge nests ,  I see them in the woods around our house .   I believe they are spiritual too .


im tired of winter already !   I think its because of so much snow and bitter cold which hasn't happened in recent winters like this with so much snow days in a row .  Ready for Spring !



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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

I like Courtney but think her extensions overwhelm her since she's so petite. She looks like all hair. 


One night, she was on with shoulder length hair & looked so good!  Every vendor that came on was excitedly complimenting her so that must have been her real length. The extensions were back on next time I saw her. 


To me, she looks like & emulates Kim Kardashian. 

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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?


Funny, whenever I happen to see Courtney, I sure don't think "COUNTRY".... more like Hollywood wannabee. Cat Very Happy


I bet she'd be great at hosting the Oscars or something like that.  Really, I kid you not. Cat Wink

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Re: Which Country Music Singer does Courtney K. think she looks like?

Shania Twain! She did a “comeback” show a few years ago and she had so much hair it was comical. It was like adding another person, and she could hardly move across the stage! I saw her recently on TV and her hair was back to normal. She is, and has always been, a stunningly beautiful woman, at any age.

I don’t understand the appeal of masses of hair and I remember the 60s very well. I am a big fan of Courtney’s, but her hair overwhelms her. She is so petite the extensions are too much. Looks okay when her hair is up. She is lovely all around and I always enjoy watching her.