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What vendor or guest do you miss?

For me it would be Meredith, although I guess she was an employee.  Once Covid is over I hope they can convince her to spend more time at the studio.

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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

One that comes to mind is Ted Leach(sp?) (the Eterna gold guy).  But #1 for me is probably Hagit Gorali.

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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

George Simonton. He created classic pieces, and really loved what he did.

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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

I miss Michael from Affinity diamonds
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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

Sally (Coombs??) who represented Birkenstock and then Earth Origins.  I always remember the segment she did with her mother at Christmas when QVC used to do special Christmas programming.





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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

Holly Mordini (mua)


Jillian Veran (mua)

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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

Miss because they are gone or miss because they are not on the set with the hosts?


There aren't any still working with QVC.  


I do miss Joan Rivers from long ago when she was allowed to be funny.


More recently, Louis Dell'Olio.  

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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

[ Edited ]

 The only one I can think of is Steve from Clark's, he was funny.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

Koos.  He used to wear an apron and you never knew what he would say.  No filter. 

Trees are the lungs of the Earth
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Re: What vendor or guest do you miss?

Gary Lowenthal, the Head Bean, from Boyd's Bears.