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@sunshine 919 wrote:

Is Valerie a new host?  I do remember years ago Rick and Shawn had shows together.  Back then they were fun to watch.  I don't watch Q I just enjoy the forums this is why I am not familiar with ValerieSmiley Happy

@sunshine 919   Valerie Parr Hill is a vendor. She sells many Christmas items and is usually on for that Holiday. She also sells some things for other Holidays. I believe she has been at QVC for awhile.

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@sunshine 919 wrote:

Is Valerie a new host?  I do remember years ago Rick and Shawn had shows together.  Back then they were fun to watch.  I don't watch Q I just enjoy the forums this is why I am not familiar with ValerieSmiley Happy

Surely you know Valerie Parr Hill, even if just from these forums.  She's a vendor.  No, excuse me.  She's a home decorator par excellence.

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They have a good balance ... they compliment each other.

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Re: Valerie and Rick

[ Edited ]


 Valerie's voice is so soothing  and calm.  QVC ought to just let her showcase her wares without any Host  which is my preference,

If you are watching their show late at night , you sure would not fall asleep when Rick is Hosting . 

 Now Rick does liven things up with his excited voice tone . So, if you are one who enjoys contrast  well these two  are likely your cup of tea.

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@MrSour wrote:

@Puppy Lips  You were so generous using the word STUFF. I would of stuck with JUNK

Made in China JUNK. Some of her JUNK looks like Dollar Store quality.

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@ValuSkr wrote:

I agree with the other comments about why they work so well together.  Also, unlike the women hosts, Rick doesn't try to come up with other settings / uses / displays of and for Valerie's items - which she is then obligated to compliment.  Those situations turn into mutual admiration societies.

I've seen him do "wait Valerie, what about this..."  so yes actually he does come up with other settings and uses. He is having fun and she loves it as she does when the "women hosts" do it.

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I like Rick, but there are times he's too hyper. I'm hype myself and sometimes I have to turn him off if he gets too wild. 😆


I saw him presenting a clothes iron once. He was pointing it at the vendor and shooting the steam her way. It was really ridiculous; especially when she started shooting back at him.

I was laughing though, but it was risky. 

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@MrSour wrote:

@Puppy Lips  You were so generous using the word STUFF. I would of stuck with JUNK

My home is full of Valeries stuff, and it doesn't look junkie. I smile every time I see a piece. My friends,Family and visitors love it too. My large kitchen table has one end with a seasonal decoration and I smile everytime one of them lights up.I guess it's "what ever floats your boat" but to call it junk is a bit much.

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I love the Rick and Valerie pairing.....the shows are informative and Rick always adds a bit of wit and fun.....

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Re: Valerie and Rick

[ Edited ]

@LizzieInSRQ wrote:

@ValuSkr wrote:

I agree with the other comments about why they work so well together.  Also, unlike the women hosts, Rick doesn't try to come up with other settings / uses / displays of and for Valerie's items - which she is then obligated to compliment.  Those situations turn into mutual admiration societies.

I've seen him do "wait Valerie, what about this..."  so yes actually he does come up with other settings and uses. He is having fun and she loves it as she does when the "women hosts" do it.



I love it when Rick tries his hand at decorating and jokes about needing a new show "Decorating With Rick"....🤣🤣🤣

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