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Many posters are using the lol after every post as if it is a way to end a sentence. This is so outdated and really overdone. IMO it is being used as a way for ppl in this forum who do not use other forms of communication or social media to express that they are ? I don't know. It is being used way too much . Lol should not be used following every post .period.
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It's also being used when they can't explain their accusations.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Usage of LOL

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After last week everytime I see DH I immediately think of Dan Hughes.


As in "DH and I went to dinner....."



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@They Call Me MR Wilkes I laughed out loud at your post. Or, did you mean lots of luck?

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@Grace6663582 I don't like it either.   I also don't like IMO!

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@Grace6663582   I guess this really bothers you?!


lol is used when something is funny or ridiculous.  or to convey that something is lighthearted. maybe other reasons too? so, if as you say it is outdated, what is the 'in' or current way to express that?  I mean, it may be used a lot but you didn't suggest the alternative.    

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I don't have an alternative. Be original
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I put LOL in an email response to my mother one day. She was quiet for a while and then wrote back and asked me if I just called her a Little Old Lady? That made me LOL!

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Re: Usage of LOL

[ Edited ]

@Grace6663582 wrote:
I don't have an alternative. Be original

@Grace6663582 , Well this isn't original in fact it is really old school, MYOB. LOL

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan