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Posts: 101
Registered: ‎03-17-2018
When you order a size 20 of Capri's that are marked for clearance and going fast and what you receive is a size 16 inside a bag marked size 20 and that color is now sold out! Gah!
Posts: 0

Hi @Dcole3 I am so sorry that happened. Please return them to QVC and keep an eye out to see if stock becomes available, you never know someone may cancel their order.

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Registered: ‎03-17-2018
Thank you. I
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I have two cosmetic orders that show no tracking info. since a week ago.  Have not been received.  Also, both items were at "special pricing" and now are sold out.  I know I can get a credit, but I wanted the items.  This has happened to me before.  Disappointed with QVC.  Will call for a credit if I don't receive them by Friday.  Been way too long.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 101
Registered: ‎03-17-2018
Well, I did just see size 20 in stock in the color I ordered for a brief moment, and it let me order... So here's hoping maybe I get lucky.

But the fact remains the wrong size was stuffed inside this bag. They should have noticed that at the warehouse before packing.