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Nothing ordered lately was delivered by ups. The EDD is a joke. Never on time. My local post office brings all orders now. Extremely slow. I ordered something over a week ago. Was supposed to be here on the 14th. These are xmas presents! Thank goodness we have 10 days to go. Not fair!

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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

i received a UPS order yesterday.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

That would make me frustrated too. I guess I have been lucky, still delivered by UPS and in a timely manner, 3-4 days. I can't complain about that. I won't be ordering anything more for Christmas as I don't want to chance it now. Good luck. I am sure it will show up.

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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

I ordered at 5 AM on Wednesday and the post office, yes the post office delivered it at 7:00 AM this morning, Saturday. 

yes there's gonna be some slow deliveries but I have been very pleased at how well the deliveries are going this year.

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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

UPS delivered my QVC package yesterday.

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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

I haven't seen the UPS truck in the past few days.  I had a UPS/USPS shipment on my doorstep this morning at 5:30AM via USPS.

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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

I have gotten a couple UPS deliveries.....they delivered from Macys & Kohls

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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

It depends on what you order.  Right now I have three QVC packages in transit.  Two are coming UPS ground and one is coming UPS Surepost (to mail).


Also, many times if I have other UPS packages coming they will deliver the Sureposts as well instead of giving them to the post office.  Or if the truck is going to be in my area they will do the same thing.


But QVC is not the only company handing off to the post office.  Many more of my deliveries have been coming this way from all different places I’ve ordered from.

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Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

I think the big delivery services use the Smartpost option when they please....& that transfer takes longer. 


Yesterday I got a Fedex notice that they transferred my package to the post office. Also, I ordered dvd's from an Ebay seller who uses a DHL/post office transfer. That takes much longer, too. 

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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: UPS not delivering anymore?

I've noticed USPS, UPS and FEDEX have done an outstanding job lately.  I placed a couple orders for my mother.  USPS delivered 2 at 730am yesterday, then the regular mail truck delivered another.  UPS straggled along, but they delivered 715pm.  Half of the packages were surepost and due today.  We didn't care when any of them came, but they were all expedited.