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Re: Tracking items I've viewed on QVC website

It’s not just QVCs site. Everything you do on the internet is tracked in way or another.
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Re: Tracking items I've viewed on QVC website

Other retailers do this, too.  I get a few after I have been looking at something of interest.


No, it doesn't bother me.  All are trying to survive. 





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Re: Tracking items I've viewed on QVC website

It surprises me that there's anyone who isn't aware of everything we do online being tracked.  Companies even know whether you've opened an email they sent you or if you simply deleted it unopened.  I've had emails asking why I hadn't been reading certain emails.  There are tracking cookies in everything and, if you want to avoid them, get off the internet.


One thing that made me laugh in the past week is that a friend an I had discussed the possiblility of taking a trip on a Canadian train this summer.  We mentioned it in emails (Yahoo) and during a Skype session.  Next thing I knew, ads were popping up on the right side of my screen for Canadian train vacations!


Yes, Big Brother is well and truly watching (and listening).  I hope I'm doing my bit to entertain "him".

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Re: Tracking items I've viewed on QVC website

[ Edited ]

@cactuschic  Most companies have amended their privacy and marketing policies, that allows for specific exchange of information regarding cross-site customer browsing history, and purchases amongst marketing "partners"- including email addresses. Some sites make it easy to opt-out, but some do not🙁



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Re: Tracking items I've viewed on QVC website

It doesn't bother me in the least.








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Re: Tracking items I've viewed on QVC website

The Q is retail and their job is selling.  They are not the only ones that do it.

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Posts: 689
Registered: ‎11-18-2012

Re: Tracking items I've viewed on QVC website

I can walk in B&BW and walk out with a handful of emails just by walking in the store. It's common now.