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Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

It seems so early to have the Christmas tree out.  I know the Q is already pushing for Christmas sales, but still.  


What do you think?



QVC Xmas.png

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

I don't mind it all. If I remember correctly, the Q has put up the decorations in the past at about this time. 

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

@San Antonio Gal  Remember, QVC is doing "Tis the Season for Deals" right now.  The decorations have been back up since they started that marketing blitz, including their noon shows of the same name.  


Their whole Celebration campaign is in full swing.  Tomorrow is a Bethlehem Lights Christmas TSV day.


They want viewers in the Christmas mood to shop.

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

QVC has been doing this for years, some welcome and enjoy the shows but for me it's too early so I don't watch.

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

I don't mind it at all Woman Happy

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

The Boscov's store where I shop has trees up and decorated and the decorations and lights out for sale. Not unusal in retail.

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

[ Edited ]

I must say, it's really never too early for me. I am one that truly enjoys Christmas in July also.


I know many people don't like it, and some are just appalled by it, but I think its worth noting that this is retail. Many people's lives rely on Christmas season spending. Whether a person likes it or not, other's need these sales during this time of year to make a living. 


I don't really know if having Christmas decorations on display improves sales, but I would imagine it does or they wouldn't do it.


Like others noted, I have seen decorations up already for weeks now at Costco, Michaels, Target, etc. 

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

The whole USA likes to jump start the holidays to make $$! Not something I appreciate. By the time Christmas comes I'm so tired of it. OVER IT!!! OVERDONE!!

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Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

[ Edited ]

No, it's not too early.


The current holiday themed event is called "  'Tis the Season for Deals," so the decor is appropriate.  


And tomorrow is all-day Christmas, actually starting tonight with "Our Great Big Holiday Kickoff".  YES!

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Registered: ‎05-15-2014

Re: Too early for Christmas decorations at the Q?

I don't mind it at all.  They usually have the Christmas trees up in October.   I love the sets as they look so nice and cheery!   I am one who does not wait until the last minute for Christmas shopping so I appreciate that they have the return policy in place and items available early for purchase.   Not that I purchase alot on here anymore but I do get a few things for gifts.