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Registered: ‎04-27-2010
When the host presents special value do you actually think they purchased the product? They get a free sample.
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♥Surface of the Sun♥
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This is an interesting question, but just not something I have given a lot of thought!😊



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I do believe at times they do get samples and have heard them say that as well.  

Not everything probably, but makes sense to have them try the products for a better sell.

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It's just a sales ploy. 


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I very much doubt that they receive "free" TSVs for each product.


Food, candy, beverages, chips, pretzels, cookies, cake, skincare samples, absolutely. 

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Many moons ago, I do remember the host mentioning that they received a sample in the mail and have been trying it.🤷🏻‍♀️


Food wasn't big back then but I think trying some kitchen products is maybe what I remember or shoes.

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I think they purchase TSV's just like the rest of us. They will purchase if it's something that appeals to them. But, as a sales pitch, they probably say they're buying sometimes when they aren't. It's their job to motivate others to buy and move product. 


They've mentioned getting samples, or items for trial in their homes. I'm sure they keep personally used items like makeup, shower gels etc., but, I bet they have to return higher end items.


I get the feeling that the Q keeps close tabs on product and that they're not that generous with the staff. All to be expected. It's a typical business.

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Hosts have mentioned that they often receive free sample items in advance (including TSVs), so when a host "has" something, that doesn't necessarily mean they purchased it.  

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Free sample and 20% employee discounts make it a lot easier to test out new products. 


But no, I don't think they purchase everything.  If Jayne had purchased all the shoes that she claims she has, her closet would be the size of a major department store. 

......You look like I need a drink.....