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I spent $10 on a mirror at Walmart so I could enjoy spending $200 on my Dooneyrolling.gif

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Im not jealous. I own a wall mounted extendable 5x on ine side 10x  on the other tiltable adjustuble lighting mirror. i had to have after staying in a Holiday Inn that had one. Cost me 24.99 on Amazon a few years ago.  Love it. 

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An opinion is one tlhing but it's the mocking way that some insinuate that anyone would pay that is presented.  Saying you wouldn't personally pay that is one thing but statements like: 

"Only Shaw could sell that with a straight face." ; "LOL HA HA ..... BUT, IT LIGHTS UP WHEN IT SEE’s YOU!!!!! 😂🤣😅😂🤣 ... how can we resist?"; "The before/after with the light vs. No light ( models face in the dark) literally made me chuckle out loud. Suitable for the ridiculous "Fri-Yay"! Campaign."

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I wish the title of this thread had a date or the item name.  I'm going to be clicking on this well trodden post months from now, thinking it's relevant for that day. Smiley Happy Smiley Frustrated Smiley Frustrated

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I actually bought this mirror last December for myself (without the smaller mirror) during one of the gift shows. I thought it was too expensive for me, but the reviews for it were really good and I had 3 other make-up mirrors that didn't do the job. What a difference!


So far, I am very happy with it., but I wouldn't have paid that much if Hubby hadn't been looking for ideas for my Christmas gift

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@avid shopper wrote:

I spent $10 on a mirror at Walmart so I could enjoy spending $200 on my Dooneyrolling.gif



@avid shopper 



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When I first saw the price without watching the presentation, I thought that the mirror was a little pricey.   I did spend over $100 for my mounted lighted mirror in my bathroom and that was about 8 years ago.


While I still lke my mirror, I realize that since we travel quite often now, I never can see to put on my makeup in any hotel mirror, and we have stayed in some really nice ones.  So, I ordered the tsv for both home and travel.  My eyesight is just not what it used to be and I have unfortunately gotten to the point that I don't take the time to put on all of my makeup.


I am also using my airline shopping app to make the purchase, so I am adding miles for more travel.  I hope that this is a win-win.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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I already have a good makeup mirror.  Bought from QVC, no less.  Much cheaper.  At my stage of life, too much magnification would be depressing.  Oh, wait, all this happened because I smiled so much.  As far as my DIL and DD, I can’t imagine they have any time or inclination for such a thing.  They have very busy lives and would only use something like this on special occasions.


But to each their own.  If it makes someone happy, I’m all for that.