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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

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I miss real cooking on the "kitchen" shows.  I miss some of the old hosts, especially Kathy Levine.  That girl could sell.  Loved her bantering with Jeffrey -- remember him.  I even miss the quality most of the products had.  Not too much these days.  


ETA  -- I also miss the presentations of the TSV's that didn't go on for hours on end -- boring as heck!!!  Seems like anytime I turn on QVC, they're showing it!!!  Enough!!!

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

When they did drawings for prizes and if they called your QVC number you won. 


The collector day shows with the dolls, Hummels, Precious Moments, etc. Today unless you're a diehard collector those shows wouldn't be popular.


Kathy Levine's four hour Diamonique shows. She never made a show boring and it was actually something to look forward to.


The old Kirk's Folly shows - I know QVC2 does them here and now but back then it was a grand event with gorgeous sets and outfits.


The special Christmas Even & Christmas Day programming. You'd see hosts sing, talk about holiday memories, etc. Now I think they show reruns of old presentations. Why? 

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

I miss the previews and the item actually being explained and demonstrated to me not needing a you tube video to set it up. 

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC



You make some very interesting comments!  I liked the 50/50 items, but definitely not the presentations.

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

Oh my gosh I agree.i also liked back in the day,pat and Jayne were on on Monday mornings.they are so Ying and yang.i love them

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

I liked the previews and garment measurements!

I miss the designer clothing and Silver Style was a favorite of mine. I guess times have changed and people are more casual, so they don’t carry them anymore.
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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

@cosmic1 wrote:
I liked the previews and garment measurements!

I miss the designer clothing and Silver Style was a favorite of mine. I guess times have changed and people are more casual, so they don’t carry them anymore.



The owners changed and so did the standards.

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

I miss the calmness of the hosts.  They were quiet, gave details of what they were presenting and didn't act like two year olds, screaming and jumping up and down. 


I remember sometimes they would just be quiet for a second or two and just let the item sell itself.  Now, they think they have to have their mouth going constantly.   

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

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@Luvsmyfam I agree with you! I also miss the pairing of Linda Davies and Mary Beth Roe for their Liz Claiborne shows. Both of these lovely ladies are consummate professionals and represent the very best of QVC. 

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Re: Things I miss from older OVC

I miss the 24 hour programming. I know why they discontinued it and admit much of the time I kept on for background noise while sleeping. But, I would also often find something during those hours on clearance. Was also a good way for new hosts to get a following.

I agree with some of the other comments, especially the review at the end of the show and the shorter presentation times of everything, especially the TSV!