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Re: The Overuse of SUPER

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Lol, I notice Everyone saying "MOMENT" & "MAJOR" 

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I realized when the sayings were standing out to me and getting repetitive, I was watching WAY too much QVC.


Solved it by shopping online.


I will say it beats the UM UM UM that male host says continually!!!!


As the other poster said, I only watch short clips of videos, so it doesn't bother me at all.


SG is just Super, Super, Super excited about her line!  Good for her!

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Re: The Overuse of SUPER

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Lol, you're right.😃. I've just learned to overlook their words, even if they annoy me.  Afterall, I might miss out on something I want to buy.😃. And I'm not letting any host or vendor stand in the way of my shopping!🛍️💝💕

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We all have things we say too much but don't realize it!!  When I worked we talked about this and found out from others that we were guilty of this also but just do not realize it!

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@Pook THANK you for starting this fun thread!😊 I have never really given it much thought, but realize I use the words absolutely, and amazing regularly!😁


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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@cheriere - I’ve also noticed “moment” when the vendor or host is describing the design or fabric… along with “story.” 😆

I get irritated with some of the words constantly used (p.s. & by the way, right, obsessed) to name a few, but I’m the one who chooses to watch so…. 🤷🏻‍♀️

For myself, I use the word “like” too much and have for years so it is a struggle to catch myself before it comes out!
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Lol, I do the same with like too sometimes.

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@KingstonMom wrote:

I don't watch QVC, so nothing they say irritates me.


I do watch videos of something I'm considering, but that's just a few seconds.



Me too 👀

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"wildly" popular.  They use that for everything!  Most add a third syllable -  Wie-ullll-dly popular.  Ugh.