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I usually turn from Saturday Morning Q to start my errand running, but I caught Rachel and Mary DeAngelis subbing this morning.  


During the presentation of the Belle by Kim Gravel ponte pants, Rachel described the green color as "lusty."  Mary quickly caught that and cracked up, while Rachel tried her best to back track and say she meant to say the green color was "zesty!" 


Too late, of course they're having fun with the word, and now Harry Slatkin says he's lusty himself.  Smiley LOL


That was too funny. 


{Those offended, get some smelling salts for the rest of the show.]

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Re: That Was Funny -- SMQ 6/15

@Caaareful Shopper on thing we all know...we are human! On a zoom call my boss was trying to say chity, chity, chat, chat....we'll you know how that turned out! It was a good laugh my team needed! 

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Re: That Was Funny -- SMQ 6/15

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Re: That Was Funny -- SMQ 6/15

[ Edited ]

@Caaareful Shopper  Oh I would've laughed a lot if I watched that live! Smiley LOL Lusty green! I love it!

@Franklinbell  That zoom call sounds hilarious! Smiley LOL

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Re: That Was Funny -- SMQ 6/15

@SportyShorty07 @It was! I tried to hold it together but I couldn't keep my composure. I tried but no....

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Re: That Was Funny -- SMQ 6/15

@Franklinbell  I think those types of things happening on zoom calls really bring people together Smiley LOL!  I bet that manager never said "chitty chitty chat chat " again Smiley Very HappySmiley Wink  

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Re: That Was Funny -- SMQ 6/15

@SportyShorty07 @Not on a zoom, however when it just us two...well you know the rest!

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Re: That Was Funny -- SMQ 6/15

[ Edited ]

@Franklinbell  Hahaha I love it! Now its an inside joke that the two of you can laugh about over and over Smiley Wink