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I'm betting she's got new teeth! As in dentures. They change the whole way you look.

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Registered: ‎04-06-2021
@Kachina624 I know it's "part of the job" to look more youthful LOL! The ones that do it...they look it! To each their own!
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Registered: ‎04-06-2021
@ChillyTulip I agree Pat needs to STOP whatever she is doing and so does Wendy Russo ShopHQ. They are starting to look freakish. It's the pressure to be on TV and some women and men just don't want to accept the fact they are aging.
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Re: Susan Graver

[ Edited ]

People don't want to purchase from someone who looks "old"! That's why those who sell, whatever it is, feel the pressure to enhance their appearance to look younger. Want a job?  

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎04-19-2010

Susan Graver may be a lovely person but I cannot stand her on-air demeanor.  Her hyperbole about her products is beyond belief.  In fact, I don't believe anything she says about her clothes and do not watch her shows any more!

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Registered: ‎05-08-2011

Agree....she's quite rude as she completely talks over every host to the point that I cannot watch her. She's done this for must be very difficult for the hosts...feel bad for them. Surprised that behavior hasn't been corrected.

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I heard my dentist use the term “dental facelift” & the fact he’s done many. I wasn’t interested & don’t know the details. I’ve lost a critical tooth & having extensive reconstruction work done & my face looks different to me. My husband thinks so too but nothing drastic. With SG, I think she may have had under eye fillers as the skin often is lighter than the rest of a face & that’s what I see.