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Yes...we all know Susan talks alot during the presentations but i definately felt Sandra was interrupting just as much.  I find Sandra does that alot with other vendors also...

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I saw that particular show and I've watched Susan off and on for at least 20 years and I'm sadly reporting that my thought throughout the show was that something is wrong with Susan.  I'm serious.  There needs to be someone/s looking into the changes that have occurred with this woman, especially over the last few years because something is wrong.  Yes, she's always yakked over the hosts, danced, kicked, sung, flung her hair and as annoying as all that has been, and has been escalating over the many years I've watched her.  Last night was the same AND different.  Someone, somewhere needs to help her.....


I've always liked her, used to buy a ton of her clothing and think she has a heart of gold, but there's something wrong here....   

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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@MacyMack wrote:

,Not sure if anyone else feels this way, but Susan Graver is driving me crazy!  Last night she was particularly obnoxious with talking over Sandra Bennett.  Sandra was trying to present colors, etc. and Susan just kept talking, talking, and more talking.  I found it really hard to really get details on the clothing,  She has nice clothing, but with her constant rambling expecially when the hosts are trying to present her clothing, I find it annoying and really quite rude to the host.  I felt sorry for Sandra Bennett.  She does a great job.  I am either going to stop watching Susan Grave shows, or maybe I have to mute the TV!


       I have stopped watching Susan's shows, but clicked on the Q last night for the heck of it!  I know that Susan's behavior is unbelievable and that is why I stopped watching her shows! True to form, last night she just rambled and rambled on....Susan would just not stop talking!!  Sandra even said - several times -  I have to get to the colors. 

      I actually called Customer Service and complained that Susan's constant interruptions did not allow the host to get to the product description/information.  Does my call change Susan...heck no...but I feel better and now I know... the Q is off at my home on Sunday night!!!

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Groundhog Day..............🐭

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I was thinking the same thing ... I was thinking she just needs to be vender & host of her collection ...

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Re: Susan Graver

[ Edited ]

My favorite button on remote...."MUTE".  Nice person, some nice products.....too much talk from Susan....she exhausts!

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I rarely buy anything from QVC but still enjoy watching many of their shows.  Susan Graver is not one of them! 

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@kelsey17 wrote:

Yes...we all know Susan talks alot during the presentations but i definately felt Sandra was interrupting just as much.  I find Sandra does that alot with other vendors also...

ITA. She interrupts only to pause, gulp then framtically ramble on about herself, her purchase, what she said to someone last week.... 


Watching this program I found a new respect for Susan Graver.  She's explained to several hosts that she gets impatient with the repetitive naming of the colors, updating on numbers sold and the incessant warnings to hurry up because the sale pricing, easy pay, shipping discounts "go away at the end of the day".  She wants to point out details that she feels are important for the buyer to know.   She's right, we are literate, the pricing is listed on the screen. We know the host is going to squeeze into that XXS or refuse to wear the garment.  We know that we should have a gift closet and purchase in multiples, colors and sizes....   


What I heard during this program was Susan's thoughts during development, her choices of art form, her reasoning for sculpting her garments.  And, in the backgroud chitter chatter, screech, mumble , gulp "So' "  chitter chatter......  Yes Susan goes into hyperdrive, sometimes she's so anxious her hands tremble.  She constantly seeks the approval of everyone present.  And let he who has no faults say so!   I just wish the hosts would step off and let her present her own designs.  She's fully capable...



 Susan is one of very few designers who actually participate in the creative processes of their lines.  You can name the others- Dennis, Louis, Bob

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I agree hold heartely - Susan was running around like a mainiac and blabbing and we didn't even have any idea what the colors were.  I felt terrible for Sandra!



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Registered: ‎12-26-2010

I told her to take a nerve pill before she comes one.  Last night was the pits.  I finally turned it off.  I can't stand her antics!  She flits like someone who is a nervous wreck!


