Posts: 47
Registered: ‎06-04-2010

** Super Saturday ** item numbers...

Hi everyone!

During Last years super Saturday event, within 10 minutes of the airing, they were stating.. "Item Number S---- has sold out" (for example).... And these item numbers were items that had not been previewed prior to the show on the QVC website (under Super Saturday search)-- And, these items were not aired inside those starting 10 minutes---- How were people aware of all those items (without air time, or 'web' time)?? Is there another place where we can see every item that will be aired that day, sooner? There must be, for all these items to sell out without any air time, or without being on the super Saturday qvc search location.... Any tips are greatly appreciated!!!! Smiley Happy

Valued Contributor
Posts: 950
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: ** Super Saturday ** item numbers...

I type in item numbers in search bar as S7***. Don't know if you get all, but you get many.