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Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

Mary DeAngelis is on vacation, so Steve Doss is solo hosting this morning's Morning Connection show.  He's doing a great job!


The show itself moves very quickly with shorter presentations for each item, and most with just Steve and no brand rep.  Then when a brand rep is there, he works wonderfully with them and doesn't try to bulldoze them.  He gives them space and then offers his sales side of things. 


You can tell he did so much homework for this show.  

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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

Steve is a really good host with a nice personality and disposition.


He does great on his own.  After David, he's my favorite male host.




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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

Steve is adorable! I really like his outgoing personality.  He's doing a really great job Smiley Happy

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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

I have seen him on a couple of occasions and he is a good host! I love that he lets the vendors speak about their products, and then he will ask appropiate questions or just give his suggestion.


He is always respectful and like the OP said he does his homework!!!

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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

Absolutely love Steve, he is one of my favorites. Love his calming demeanor. He does a fantastic job. HeartHeartHeart

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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

I liked him from day one!

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Posts: 22,875
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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

Although I don't watch QVC much anymore, I do like Steve a lot.  He does a great job of giving product details and asking appropriate questions of vendor representatives while still managing to have fun and engaging presentations.


But like Alberti, I prefer Steve to host by himself.  Sometimes he can take on the manic behavior of other hosts he's paired with.

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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

He definitely prepares for his shows. I like him.
Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

I've always liked Steve. He's got a great, genuine personality and is not over the top. I wish he was on more. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,566
Registered: ‎05-18-2017

Re: Steve Doss Doing a Fantastic Job Solo Morning Show!

It's nice to read all these positive comments about Mr. Doss.  He indeed does a great job.  I appreciate that he lets the vendor speak and doesn't bring his personal life into every presentation.