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Poor Stacey, I watched her video on FB, and she is torn up about the loss of her job. I believe that she is putting on the best face that she can right now, which hopefully most of us can understand. 


I wish her the very best. 

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@millieshops I know of people who received lay off notice via their e-mail

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Many years ago I was asked to print a bunch of checks for people who were being laid off later that day. Was I surprised to see my own check print! Yep, that's mean.

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I also thought that Kristine Zell was let go but last night she had her show on TV.

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎10-22-2012

Good God! Stacey & Antonella were two of the best! They have got to get rid of that awful Courtney Khonbabi. This is unbelievable!!

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@Chi-town girl wrote:

This place has hit a new LOW...


some posters are finding entertainment in others' job losses and debating who should have been axed instead or should be next



Thank you @Chi-town girl!  It's pathetic that anyone would wish another person to lose her job.  We should all be thankful we have our jobs & not wish for anyone else to lose hers!

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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@Deeze wrote:

I also thought that Kristine Zell was let go but last night she had her show on TV.

@Deeze   If you saw Kristine Zell last night, t was a pre-recorded show.  Kristine indeed was the 4th host let go last week.

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QVC is going down the crapper and needs to make some serious changes. I don't like to see anyone lose their job, especially during these hard times, but it's feast or famon for many company's these days. I wish all the host's well.

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@rms1954 wrote:

I don't get where you say Atonella N is a mess.

I was never a AN fan. Too loud, constant laughing and often looked bad with messy hair and awful fake nails. Never saw the appeal.

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@Jimstr wrote:

Good God! Stacey & Antonella were two of the best! They have got to get rid of that awful Courtney Khonbabi. This is unbelievable!!


I think Courtney K, is a very good host, I enjoy her! 

Why would you wish anyone to lose their job, because you don't like them? 

Exercise your right not to watch!