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You don't have to be short to not like crop pants. 5'6" here and I do not like them. They do not look good to me. Especially the wide leg version. But then again I don't care for high water pants to begin with.

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I will wear what i want to,you can do the same for yourself.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I'd rather see some ankles than most rear ends in leggins... Woman SurprisedCat LOLWoman LOL

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I am about 5' 2, maybe an inch taller on a good day, I love them!! no longer wear shorts, these are perfect. 

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I like crops & capris & 5’. I don’t care what people think at my age. I wear what keeps me cool & what I like. I must be doing ok as my husband likes how I look & I get compliments from family & friends. Even if I didn’t get compliments, I wouldn’t care & not change a thing.
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I am 5’8” here, and I wear them all the time. I love them .

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I like crop pants but dislike capri pants. Wear what works for you and stop criticizing others. 

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My feeling is that judgmental people are busy judging themselves and looking for flaws in the otherwise perfect them to pay much attention to me in the first place.


The other thing is if I'm clean, put together, neat and wearing something truly NOT off-the-wall, I seriously doubt that others give it a second look--or ever have.  If so, it's their hobby not mine!  


Be happy, wear what's cool and comfy and enjoy summer!  

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Sorry, no crop pants

[ Edited ]

For me, it depends on the cut.  I am tall and thin.  I feel I look best in long pants or shorts with a 4 inches inseam.  Everything in between those two, I have to try on to decide.  Totally NOT sorry about it.  

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Registered: ‎04-24-2010

I will wear whatever pant length I feel looks good on me and gives me confidence.