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@Qvcmeow wrote:
Short people unite! I'm 5 1/2 or 5/2, depending on who's m measuring. ISome of those crop pants look cute, but I'm hesitant to spend full price for pants that I'd wear part of the year. Then there's the issue with footwear. I wear sneakers all the time, and without the right shoes or sandals it would look like I was wearing high-waters. I've had high-waters when I was younger; not a good look! 😀

@Qvcmeow I am happy to spend money on cool clothes for happy summer wear--but maybe it doesn't get very hot where you live.  Comfort trumps details about what I look like above 90 degrees.  


I will wear sneakers or sandals with any length pants without a worry one.  

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I'm 5'9 with a slender build.  I can rock crops all day long.

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Love crop pants and capris.  Leggings on anyone who isn't stick thin should be outlawed.  I keep asking myself if these ladies own a mirror.  I'm not stick thin so I NEVER would go out in public in leggings.  No one wants to view bulges and fat stuffed in a sausage casing.

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I;m 5'8 with slender build and also love a cropped or cuffed look, personally.I think it actually is a great look on shorter people, as it elongates for them, but that is just what my eyes perceive.

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leggings are so bad for our health. It doesnt let the skin breathe and most of the time they are synthetic fibers. Its so bad for the pores/skin and gives no circulation. They are toxic and literally should be banned material.

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Re: Sorry, no crop pants

[ Edited ]

When I think of crop/Capri pants I remember how cute Mary Tyler Moore looked in the DVanD show.


Behind the scenes of 'The ****** Van ****** Show' with Mary Tyler Moore - SFGate

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@rms1954 wrote:

I don't care how tall or short you are, they look dumb on everyone.  Like their pants shrunk.  High-waters.

walk behind them then you see how dumb they really are, and oh so wide in the butt'

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I'm 5' 2" and most of my pants are crops.  In some cases (especially if I don't get petite length) crops are more ankle length for me.  For me, crops look better than "regular" length pants which tend to be too long.

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@HLP wrote:

@rms1954 wrote:

I don't care how tall or short you are, they look dumb on everyone.  Like their pants shrunk.  High-waters.

walk behind them then you see how dumb they really are, and oh so wide in the butt'

@HLP I am a very smart person, straigiht A student, and have NO wide butt.  Even if I were dumb as rocks, and had a wide butt, no reason to say that about someone is there?  And if you have a wide butt you can't wear shorter pants?  Because? That's just mean.   

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Im 5' tall and love some crop pants since I'm not wearing as many shorts anymore.  But I dont have a closet full of them- I dont love them all or hate them all.  Variety is what I look for in my wardrobe.