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Love her glasses, love the half tuck.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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SK is guilty of trying too hard, acting silly and over the top and that's her brand.  Always has been like this and copied this style from the older male blonde host.  I am a believer of leaving when you are on top and unfortunately for most of these older hosts there is no where to go  -- retirement or become a spokesperson for a vendor or get married or .......

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She is way too needy for me.......probably the most unprepared host they have and does like to brag about the fact.  I find her to be the most unprofessional  in her demeanor also and that wasn't always the case.  She was absolutely adorable the first few years.


Also, how can the powers that be let her keep wearing clothing that is two sizes too small????  It is not flattering on her and does nothing to sell product.  At least someone got her to say "I have on a two" instead of saying "I wear a two"........I'd say she's a 6-8 at best.  She has shared her height and weight and I have eyes...........NOT a 2.


Lastly, she is a legend in her own mind when it comes to style.

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Don’t most of the QVC women wear clothes that are two sizes too small? It looks terrible, and it looks like it feels so uncomfortable. Not a great way to sell clothes.
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@deeW..agreed.. lol..
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Watching her tonite… What a mess.
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@KKlim, I tuned in for the first 5 minutes to see what the new show was..Shawn had on a cute sweater but it clearly was to small on her and she kept tugging at it like JT does.
The word game and the jumping up and down, her bragging and that was the first 2 minutes, I changed the channel. Nothing's changed with her, except she has gotten worse.
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ETA so there is no confusion, the first 2 minutes I watched, they played the word game, were jumping around, SK was bragging about her vacation and how expensive the throw was that she bought, and they previewed some more items, after 5 minutes I changed the channel
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@Parischic. Yep, I get what your saying..
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@Parischic wrote:
ETA so there is no confusion, the first 2 minutes I watched, they played the word game, were jumping around, SK was bragging about her vacation and how expensive the throw was that she bought, and they previewed some more items, after 5 minutes I changed the channel

Oh, you missed t when she informed everyone watching that she has missed two periods; it was a lead in to a book she was selling next about menopause.