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Re: Shawn, please stop saying “Sidebar!”

@blackhole99 wrote:

I have a feeling Shawn does not realize she uses that word so much. If it bothers you that much, go to her QVC Facebook and let her know she says it way to much and it's distracting. Shawn may take it to heart and make an effort to stop saying it so much.

@blackhole99, while some who contact hosts with criticisms may have good intentions, I personally think it's meaningless and kind of weird, as in being just too invested in a stranger's habits.


Best option is to ignore it or not watch if it becomes so bothersome, which is totally understandable.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Shawn, please stop saying “Sidebar!”

The only time I want to hear this word is when I'm sitting in a courtroom watching my daughter prosecute a case. Even then, it is said much too often.

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Re: Shawn, please stop saying “Sidebar!”

I doubt Shawn willl stop saying "sidebar" just because viewers ask.  She has all these "quirky" sayings.   I change the channel when I get tired of hearing some things.  My all time pet peeve is "stinkin' cute".   Many say that -- Tara, David, Shawn, etc.  

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Re: Shawn, please stop saying “Sidebar!”

Shawn is unwatchable to me. I don't understand why she is a host. She does not inform the viewers about the products she is selling. She only is there to sell herself--and I am not buying.

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Re: Shawn, please stop saying “Sidebar!”

ha ha @nevergivesup i know what you mean. It makes me shake my head because she keeps saying things like that when they are incorrectly used. I don't understand why someone in management doesn't explain to her that she isn't using the word correctly unless they just think it is "cute". Well there is a limit to cute and Shawn passed that limit with me some time ago. The only time I watch her is if it is IM's show simply because I happen to like his line and I am ecstatic when another host is on with him in her place.

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Re: Shawn, please stop saying “Sidebar!”

@NanaLinda wrote:

It sounds to me like a lot of people are watching too much QVC.  If something someone says bothers me that much, I find something else to do or watch. It would be better for the blood pressure! Smiley Happy


As a sidebar, I was literally thinking the same thing.

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Re: Shawn, please stop saying “Sidebar!”

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