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These two are precious! And if their comments "appall" you, just ask your next door neighbor (or your kids) the same question. You might be surprised at their answers! Jay Leno used to do a bit where he would ask people in the street about American history. Now that was appalling! And numerous studies have shown that a sizable number of college students can't tell you the dates of the U.S. Civil War or any other great historic event.

And, btw, they got Shawn's name right in Time and the HuffPost. And you know what they say - any publicity is good publicity!

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After viewing this, I asked my husband what the sun "is". He is an educated man in many respects (master's degree) and he promptly responded, "Who cares? What difference does it make?". Call me shallow but I kind of had to agree. When is the last time we thought about it?

I thought the RM clip was hilarious - that Isaac kept calling the sweater a-mah-zing and when Shawn ran through some of the planets, the first she referenced was Uranus - oh geez. And Isaac insisting that the moon was, indeed, a planet . . . Just funny on many levels, and more than a little silly.

I'm looking at this as an educational moment. If you did not know, or had forgotten, the sun is a star, and the moon is a satellite. Uranus is a planet(!). I still think the whole thing is a riot. All in the name of a good laugh.

Cogito ergo sum
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On 1/16/2015 beach-mom said:

I thought it was cute and funny! I like seeing these two together - they're refreshing and they have fun together. This doesn't bother me at all! {}

I an not so sure these two are as tight as they and QVC want you to believe. Otherwise he would invite her out to the Hamptons and put her on Project Runway. It's obvious from the clip that he thinks she's pretty dim, and she doesn't like it at all. I don't know what's sadder; their pathetic exchanges or that top. Hideous! How fitting that it made the N.Y. papers, because that cardigan looks like the floor of a N.Y. taxi after a long night of ferrying drunks.
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On 1/16/2015 severusgirl said:
On 1/15/2015 cosmic1 said:

To me, it's just another sad commentary on the inadequacy of our school system. I'm always shocked at what people don't know that I take for granted.

I don't know what they are teaching in school anymore, but we had to learn all about the solar system in basic 5th grade science class and after almost 50 years, I still remember it. For the record, I don't use that knowledge on a daily basis either, LOL.

However, since it is Shawn (and to a degree, Isaac), I'm not surprised. She demonstrates fairly regularly that she lacks a lot of fundamentals. I don't know how she made it through college with her lack of vocabulary. Maybe that is why she always makes up words; she doesn't have enough of a fundamental vocabulary to call upon.

Anyway, that is embarrassing for Shawn, except she dodged a bullet and Jane Treacy is being fingered as the ignoramus. I'm sure that JRT appreciates that!

I'd just like to add that the model's reaction is priceless. I'd cover my eyes too.

ITA! Did SK actually go to college and if so she must have majored in childish, immature behavior.

Don't worry, be Happy!
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Sweetbay, I think your husband has the right idea... It's really no big deal and even if it was, I certainly can't see becoming indignant about it!

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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I haven't thought about the solar system in a long time. I would have to stop and think about what the moon and the sun really are. LOL

It makes a good trivia question...

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I just saw this on Good Morning America. How embarassing for these 2 mental giants! LOL

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So what? Are they good people, do they have good hearts? Then leave it alone. JMO

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On 1/16/2015 severusgirl said:

As a teacher, I resent the comment that what transpired between the 2 show hosts with regard to their confusion about the solar system as a commentary on the inadequacy of the public school system. There could be any number of reasons why they couldn't get their facts straight. Why chalk it up to their education and to the teachers who do all in their power to provide a solid foundation in all subjects? I think Cosmic's comments were harsh and judgmental; anyone who talks for a living is bound to put a foot in it from time to time. It's just unfortunate that it was broadcast live.

To be truthful, I blame everyone who things "dumb" grown people (especially grown women) are "cute" rather than shameful. What does that say to young people?

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On 1/16/2015 duster said:

I just saw this on Good Morning America. How embarassing for these 2 mental giants! LOL

This is turning into a great moment in Q history with so many mentions on national TV.