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Remember "Bee Alive" products?

For some reason I thought about "Bee Alive" that QVC used to sell. It was pills made of royal jelly, supposed to be good for you. I looked it up online this afternoon, and they are still in business. Did anyone take this and did you feel a difference in your health?  

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Re: Remember "Bee Alive" products?

@mormel20  Shophq sells Bee Alive

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Re: Remember "Bee Alive" products?

Yes I fell for it.  The Royal Jelly honey.


Waste of money as it did nothing for me.

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Re: Remember "Bee Alive" products?

I think they had some legal troubles and were sued. 

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Re: Remember "Bee Alive" products?

@GenXmuse wrote:

I think they had some legal troubles and were sued. 

I think the problem was with the health claims they made for the product.  They are probably more circumspect now.

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Re: Remember "Bee Alive" products?

Are the bees harmed when the honey is harvested?

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Re: Remember "Bee Alive" products?

As far as I know, bees are NOT harmed when the honey is harvested. I have a friend who kept several hives and she was very careful of the bees.


She sold it locally (and to those of us who worked with her). It's great.