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What a nice host.  I had Qvc on in the background while she was presenting d&co.  First time in quite a while I didn't change the channel.  Not screaming or giddy, just nice to listen to. 

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She is always a nice host and very pleasant to watch. A real professional.

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Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Rachel always does a,Image result for nice job word animated images

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Registered: ‎04-27-2015

Another underused host. At least they put her on days more than nights. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I admit it took me a few viewings to decide about Rachel, but now I really enjoy her and her presentations. She seems very down to earth (which is

where I stand) and very thoughtful and kind. She clearly understands what we need to know to purchase intelligently.  Her voice is quite easy on the ears and I usually stop to watch her when she's on. A good hire for QVC.

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Posts: 489
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Rachel is one of my fave hosts, along with Gabrielle.  I think she's so pleasant and beautiful but I'd love to see her with a different hairdo, minus the spikes!  

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎11-17-2015

Rachael is a class act!  Very controlled in her on air presentations, very informative and striking in my opinion.  She is so far above a choice few hosts who grate

on my nerves so much that I do not watch when they are on.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

RB is a good host on her own, but I don't enjoy the shows she does with Jayne or Pat. Pat and Jayne have a tendency to say things off the top of their head that offend people and RB just chimes in. I think she's fine where she is, I would like to see Katie and Elyse move forwaard instead.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I really like watching Rachael. When she is on I stop to really listen and learn about a product. She allows the vendor to speak and so I truly understand exactly what the product is and does.

The newer more frenetic hosts may sell more, but maybe they should take a look at their returns. I find I am returning more and more for poor quality or because the description is not clear. 

Please give us more Rachael.

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Posts: 2,635
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I like Rachel, MOST of the time. She tends to rush thru presentations at times. I don't care for those who speak so fast. I mentioned it to her once on her FB page, she said she would try to do better. Saw her sometime this wkend & she talked as fast as Rick D.