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QVC! Take presales off the website when quanities are getting low!

Gosh QVC is making me angry with this presale stuff.


It is 12:17 AM Nov 13 and they are already out of one color, out of many sizes in other colors and it is NOT EVEN SHIPPING UNTIL NOV 20!!!


If it is not shipping until Nov 20 because they are still making them, there is no good reason to be out of a color or size within 15 minutes!


They sell 56,000 during presale, and none left for the people who want to see more than a picture of it.


QVC: PLEASE take it off the website when it gets too close to TSV day! This happens over and over.

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Re: QVC! Take presales off the website when quanities are getting low!

It's all about the money.

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Re: QVC! Take presales off the website when quanities are getting low!

Most likely, QVC found presales bring in more money.  It's getting a head start.  


They are no longer a TODAY's Special Value when they appear a few days before the day they are presented on-air.  Very misleading.  

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Re: QVC! Take presales off the website when quanities are getting low!

I would recommend checking the website or app daily to catch a TSV as soon as it is posted.  I have done that frequently and have not been disappointed with receiving the TSV early.

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Re: QVC! Take presales off the website when quanities are getting low!

@gabstoomuch wrote:

Gosh QVC is making me angry with this presale stuff.


It is 12:17 AM Nov 13 and they are already out of one color, out of many sizes in other colors and it is NOT EVEN SHIPPING UNTIL NOV 20!!!


If it is not shipping until Nov 20 because they are still making them, there is no good reason to be out of a color or size within 15 minutes!


They sell 56,000 during presale, and none left for the people who want to see more than a picture of it.


QVC: PLEASE take it off the website when it gets too close to TSV day! This happens over and over.



I think this may be more the OP's issue.


If you want to wait for a Live presentation to see the item better, some sizes are colors may already be sold out by then.


It seems like she knows it is available to look at online.


Sometimes though, while it is not the on air presentation, there IS a video of a live model wearing the item and showing all sides of it.  Not always available but I have seen a lot of them.


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Re: QVC! Take presales off the website when quanities are getting low!

Nope. If the pre-sale is bringing in $$$, they will never stop it.


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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: QVC! Take presales off the website when quanities are getting low!

Yes, it is the principal of it. Stop calling it a TSV. Remember the days when we couldn't even post the item number if someone were able to sniff it out?


The problem lies with QVC. They know the rate at which a presale is selling. They know they are going to air with probably 1/3 of what they have.


It IS all about money, but if they see the presale is selling at a fast pace, and their job is to sell it out, they could still meet that goal by pulling it at a certain percentage left so that people waiting to see it on a TV screen, on a model's body, they have the ability to do that.


Buyers know all this. I just find it insulting to their customer base to just let things sell out before it even hits the air. The colors on a computer are usually off by a shade or two, and you see that when it finally goes to air. Reds look more pink, gray can look darker on a computer and when they air you see it is a different shade.


That's all. It annoys me and they have the ability to control the numbers but they don't. They have thousands of very long time shoppers yet the customers mean nothing to them any more. They make a TON of money in presales that come back as returns because online and on air are different in appearance, and the customer has to pay the return fee. Then they repackage it and make more money re-selling it.


Notice that even though they sell so many in presale, no reviews are ever posted when it finally goes to air. That is another shady sales tactic. If they posted the reviews, it would help those who waited. But they don't want reviews up. They make even more money from the on-aair sales that come back as a return. It is a win-win-win for them.