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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@AZfem wrote:

I just saw former Q host, Courtney Cason, on "Inside Edition" at the end of Thursday's broadcast selling items thru Inside Shop.  She has been on the last few weeks.


@AZfem  Courtney Cason is contracted to QVC as well.  For quite a while she's been presenting fashion and beauty items on QVC's streaming channel in a weekly show called Lifestyled.

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@Caaareful Shopper 

I knew she repped Givenchy but didn't know she had shows too. She's all over the place!  This type of work probably fits her lifestyle better with a baby as she can probably record when she wants & doesn't have to be at a workplace all day.  

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@Seminole2   YES, malls around me were absolutely BONKERS and packed to the gills during the holidays. They have said for decades that malls would turn into condos, retirement homes, or some kind of commercial real estate. They will be saying that in the 2030's as well. QVC survives if they get a CEO who has a clue. Why would anyone want to shop with QVC on Tik Tok or other pop up ads. They will become extinct trying to go that route. Everyone could just go straight to the vendors/manufacturers and won't need Q.


They R.I.P. if they leave the airwaves. I am pounding the table with that statement! I thought I just read NFL ratings were down with all this streaming. Stick to the old fashioned cable and STOP trying to reinvent the wheel. I would never buy again from QVC, if they go off air, but that is just me.

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

Thanks !! Appreciate all the Great info. @AZfem

Was curious of the cost of Hulu, but we actually get most of those channels with our Samsung Smart TV and Roku and we don’t pay a monthly fee.

If we didn’t have our Samsung TV, Hulu would be the way to go though!
Especially since you don’t have the equipment like you do with cable tv.

We have a small antenna that picks up our local news stations too.

Thanks again!! 🤗🤗🤗

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are Social Media

@Sooner wrote:

It amazes me than anyone today watches "influencers."  Really?  You can get good solid information in lots of places on the internet. 


@Sooner  @They Call Me MR Wilkes 


iTA, I have no use for so-called influencers.  


Back when QVC started and there was no internet yet, QVC was the only game in town when it came to shopping channels.  A golden era, I guess.


A lot of those early customers are still around, but retired by now.


Multiple attempts have been made to bring in younger customers, but they don't watch shopping channel shows.  They just don't.


So, Qurate is going to social media.   It'll probably be successful ... up to a point ... but I doubt it'll break any records for success.  

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@ajsidney12 wrote:

Social media influencers are not what I call experts. I do not buy from TikTok, nor do I use it at all. I do not watch YouTube for purchasing ideas as they are paid and given promotional products to support (like TikTok). I want ingredients discussed openly and with knowledge behind it. I want to see actual sizing and hear about fabric content and so on. Influencers are not always experts, relatable or real. 

Many of the above comments can be also applied to a number of the hosts at Q, to be fair.  


What I find strange from the quick notes provided above, WHY are they hiring more hosts if this is a max out 3yr plan? Seems to me there are not that many slots that would be required to fill.


Why are they not combining items from the same order into one shipment (assuming they are coming from the same distribution facility) like every other retailer tries to do and save not only wasteful packaging but shipping costs? Save some money now!


Lastly as someone noted, they sound like they will drop the Tv broadcasting licenses in the near future too.  Why not cut back now on Q2 and Q3 and help your current consumer and long time customers? Which goes back to my original thought about continuing to hire new hosts.




Based on all I know, another conversation for another day, I wouldn't EVER go on Tiktok or get their app.   Not a good idea, for any reason.  It's a Trojan Horse app.  



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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@AZfem wrote:


Just wanted to let you know I get local channels & many cable channels by streaming live tv on Hulu.  You CAN record shows, movies. However, you don't have to record shows as you can stream them if you forgot to watch something. Go to the app for the channel you want, search for the show & stream. Can go back weeks, years on some things so no need to record as much if you can stream. 



Ok great thank you so much for the info!

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@RescueLover wrote:

There are many influencers who are respected and it shows by how their followers respond to their videos.

I wouldn’t doubt QVC already has a list of the ones they want.

And I bet Carla Hall, who recently had her line of fashion on the Q is one of them.

You’ll still be able to watch on your tv in the comfort of your living room, kitchen or bedroom using Roku or a Smart TV etc.

And once you do and realize how much $$$ you are saving having no cable or satellite bill that you tied to, you’ll be beyond HAPPY and wonder why the heck we didn’t do it sooner!

YES you will still have channels to flip through and favorite menus to use. It’s no different than cable tv

It looks almost identical in fact.

Our cable bill was $120 per month for over 100 channels. We get over 100 channels with our Smart TV and Live News, movies, entertainment, music and YouTube etc etc

Quit cable 4 years ago and never looked back.

With NO monthly tv bill. NONE…ZERO…ZIP

$1,440 a year x 4 = $5,760 !!

It’s really a no brainer… 🥴



My cable bill is $230 a month...and I don't get ANY reception without some kind of "pay" service...   di

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

Hi! @Desertdi 🤗

WOW that’s a HUGE cable bill !! Never knew they could be that much. 😳

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

One of the most interesting things I heard:


QVC Group doesn't expect buyers in their 20s or 30s.  That's a myth!


But every single day, a huge number of potential customers and buyers turn 50!


Brilliant to realize and capitalize upon that!  And, of course, at that age most are extremely comfortable with social media and the internet. 


That's well-designed customer replacement. 


A well conceived customer-replacement model.  Sad a bit that some want 1980.


I don't think anyone wants 1980. I think many people want relevant shopping, products, and product details, without all the extraneous blabber.