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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

The strategies used so far seem to have failed, & the stock price keeps going down.


From the responses I'm reading here it appears that the Q will go ahead & change formats, but perhaps more than half of their customer base will not be following them. It looks like Q expects age 50-60? as their future customer base, a narrower demographic with fewer consumers.


If their future target market is an even younger demographic, then a major product overhaul would be needed. How would the Q attract new vendors/suppliers?


How will the Q be unique or different from any other retailer then? What will attract consumers? And what about the previous customer base?


Influencers may choose to take a chance with the Q but if it isn't lucrative for them, the influencers might bail.


I rarely watch the Q on tv. I shop online at a variety of retailers' websites, but not on social media. When I want more info to help decide about making a purchase, I watch a video at the retailer's website if available (eg. HomeDepot, Amazon, etc.).


Maybe the Q needs to renew it's creativity in marketing and find a way to not throw the baby out with the bath water.

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

Nothing at this point makes me want to ditch cable--where we have a bundle for a phone, tv and internet services.  I'm fine with it and without antennas and such.  

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@RescueLover wrote:
Hi! @rockygems123

You can buy a DVR for your Smart TV. On average they start at around $70 on up depending on the brand.

Yes we get local channels from an inside antenna. It depends on how close you are from the news station and your surroundings. Ie. Trees, buildings or something that will block the signal.

And you can always watch your local news on your computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone etc.

Hope I could help some… 🤗



Yes thanks very helpful.


I'm getting close to pulling the plug, love the savings Smiley Happy

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

This popped up today...I found it interesting as this is the demographic that the Q tries to make happy 1000011033.jpg

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

Sketchers has quitely become the 3rd largest show company in the world. Instead of chasing the big named sports starts and giving huge contracts for endorcements (new term influencers)they took a different approach.


They make a good-affordable shoe at a reasonable price. 


Good luck to the Qurate. Pick your influencers carefully. 

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@Jk9 I read an article this week that mall traffic is picking back up.  One group is going in big to make some major updates to those "dinosaurs ".  It's like they say "everything old is new again".Time will tell if that article is right. 

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@Icegoddess- I agree with you.  I've ordered items I've seen on View Your Deals, i.e., makeup and others at good prices, shipping included and got them fast.  What's wrong with that?  Jill Martin used to do the same on the Today show.  


As for others making comments on "influencers", do you consider the Q host as an influencer in a way?  I'm not talking about those hosts who talk about their daughters, etc.  But what a real host used to be.  Looking to "influence" you to buy the product shown.




Amazon has changed the way we shop.  It's a whole different world.

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@RescueLover wrote:

In my earlier post I mentioned Carla Hall I meant

Extremely popular clothing and jewelry designer/ Influencer Carla Rockmore who launched her collection.

@RescueLover - I did wonder about that!  I knew Carla Hall did cooking, etc., but was baffled by clothing and jewelry.  Woman LOL

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@geezerette I have mentioned that quite a lot on these forums, that I have written more checks in the last 2 years then ever.  Where I live almost all service vendors prefer cash or check.  You're correct...they are starting to charge you for using any kind of cards.  The bill shows a cash amount or your charge card amount.  Restaurants around here are definitely jumping on that bandwagon.   No checks but cash is welcomed.   Again, everything old is new again.  

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are Social Media

@busymom22 @You are right, homemaking is dying a slow, painful death! Women in their early to mid 20's are marrying and starting families, but they no longer see a need to cook, clean, sew etc. Most of the time they carry absolutely no cash. A rare few know how to write a check or make correct change. Most newly married couples carry credit card debt and many don't bathe or shower but once every 5 to 7 days! You know who they are when you see them at the grocery store, hair uncombed, wearing pajamas, no coat, no coat on the baby either. The Dads are usually dressed in shorts that look like they were picked up off the floor from when they wore them yesterday, even with frigid temperatures. No one can write or read cursive and a "home cooked meal" is Hamburger Helper or Ramen Noodles with a sprinkling of some kind of meat or a vegetable. We did this and it is shameful where our young people rank in the world!