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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

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CEO Rawlinson was very invested and impressive in his commentary (to me.)


Should he survive as CEO I wish him great success during this period of great change and transformation!


I was very impressed by his thoughts and ideas!

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

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@They Call Me MR Wilkes 


Thank you for this information.  


I am indeed a dinosaur.  I don't do any social media like Facebook, Instagram etc. or influencers.  I do look at YouTube from time to time, but not as destination viewing so might catch some things on there.


One of my dd's does social media stuff and follows influencers.  Sometimes she has purchased due to their recommendations and has usually been satisfied with products or stayed away from others.  


I'm not complaining.  QVC gotta do what they gotta do.  But I will likely not be spending with their new system.  Not out of spite, just because I won't see their presentations likely unless YouTube. hmmm maybe my dd will alert me to things. 

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

QVC lost me as a customer a long time ago. If and when I need to shop for something, I will do an in depth search on the internet to see who is selling and for how much $$. No one will influence me to buy any product. No one has that much power over me!

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

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@Xivambala wrote:

QVC lost me as a customer a long time ago. If and when I need to shop for something, I will do an in depth search on the internet to see who is selling and for how much $$. No one will influence me to buy any product. No one has that much power over me!

Hello @Xivambala 


From what I have seen with my daughters viewing.  The influencers usually just test products live and give their opinion.  Manufacturers apparently send them loads of stuff like makeup and they open the boxes and give their review.  They are not afraid to say what they don't like.  It doesn't mean that influencers necessarily have "power" over viewers.   They give an opinion that viewers can take or leave.  Also some of them "go shopping" livestream at places like Target and show the bargains they got.  It's sort of entertainment.  


She watches a really funny woman in the UK Antonella "the uncensored reviewer".  That woman is a hoooot!  Off color language tho.  But so funny.


Anyway, please read this with a tone of voice of friendship.  All "influencers" are not like the (yuck) Kardashins.  

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

Sounds to me like Rawlinson is tap dancing to save his job.


Yes, viewership is down. Let's stop there and reflect why.


I know for myself the last thing I want to listen to is a cacophony of noise under the guise of entertainment.

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

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If one doesn't really understand the concept and importance of an "influencer" you are not, sorry to say, the customer and buyer QVC Group needs.


You have been passed by, and that's just the way progress works.


That way goes the game.

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

Woman LOL  Well, I guess in that case, QVC can just pass me by!


I spent my career in I.T., so I'm not a technophobe or afraid of a changing world.  ( I surely wouldn't want to go back to 1980!)


But it they only want those who will listen to "influencers", so be it.  There's a lot more choice out there...thanks to technology!


(And if the way the meeting was reported accurately in the OP, I think it was somewhat insensitive to QVC's long-standing customers.  Hence my comment about a "slap in the face".  I'm happy for others to disagree.)

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

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@Xivambala wrote:

QVC lost me as a customer a long time ago. If and when I need to shop for something, I will do an in depth search on the internet to see who is selling and for how much $$. No one will influence me to buy any product. No one has that much power over me!

I'm sure @Xivambala just as you weren't influenced by the hosts/vendors on Q, but made your own informed decisions, based on product info given, you'd do the same with any format.


To my understanding of the term "influencer" is just that --a "term" used to refer to social media "personalities" with a social media following, or "sphere of influence", a dedicated audience they have, and are therefore valuable to QVC's new model of finding new audiences via social media now vs. tv.


It's a term but really not much different than the hired hosts that try to sell and influence this audience to buy.


So I'm saying...just because that term is used doesn't mean, if you're not inclined to let any sales person influence your decision, that they would be any different. The ones I've watched on YT do the same thing the Q hosts do...tell you about products they love, and why, and where you can get the best deals etc. But it is all personal preference, not as "trained" in the products as Q's host are now. QVC doesn't care...if they have a huge following, audience and sales numbers from people buying what they suggest, they have value to QVC, I'd guess.


I'm like one influences me...I just want to be informed on a product...I'll shop around for best price and make my own decisions. But I'm not anymore turned off by an influencer (as with hosts some are more honest, knowledgeable, thorough than others) than I am by any sales person...(unless they're just pushy and clearly bs'ng.)

I've bought some things online based on some YT "influencers" I follow and trust and have similar tastes to. I've also learned about some new brands that interest me.

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

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The "meeting" was open to everyone.   Customers,  investors,  loathers, free and easily accessible to any and all!

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Re: QVC Group CEO: We are an ENTERTAINMENT/Social Media Business

@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

The "meeting" was open to everyone.   Customers,  investors,  loathers, free and easily accessible to any and all!

@They Call Me MR Wilkes  Many years ago, when I listened, it was old school via my landline, lol.

Where does one tune in now?