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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

They will be taking the over 50 show on the road according to Mally & Jane. It was announced last night. I just caught the end of the show as I wanted to see the Nicole Miller show.
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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

If the Q wants to bring back more 50+ women , maybe they should offer better fashion choices. Some of the clothes I saw yesterday were beyond horrible.
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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

I can’t wait to see Nicole Millers version of cargo pants when they come out! 🤗🤗🤗
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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

To those who assume that everyone over 50 is just like them (minds closed to new ideas, thinks that everything was better in the past, etc.), I will say that my life has improved in countless ways since turning 50. I have made many positive personal changes regarding self care and relationships, and in my 50's, I have been the happiest I have ever been. I am much more confident re: speaking and advocating, and am excited to continue to learn and evolve. I'm considering going back for a second master's degree in a new field. I also have brave and smart and accomplished female friends/colleagues of all ages, who seek to improve and grow, and who inspire me. Of course there are challenges that come with aging, but for me, continuing to set goals and seek out new passions and opportunities for growth keeps my spirit young and makes me feel alive and vital. To me, a "50 and fabulous" movement is about encouraging women to take chances, be confident in who they are, be willing to stand out and claim their place, and not feel like their time of growth is over. 

“…nevertheless, she persisted.”
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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility



Excellent post....


So why does Q infantilize women over 50?  



Two year olds think that poop and pee are funny.



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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility



Agree!  I LOVE that QVC is celebrating women 50+ and am happy to join them!


Hoping that it includes more and more products/items  that are curated with the 50+ population in mind.


Way to go QVC!

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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

I wonder if they were very loud on the plane? I’d not be a happy passenger traveling with them. I didn’t think it was funny that a fellow passenger was “tipsy” & urinated on herself ( according to Shawn). I’d be humiliated & would feel worse if I saw someone talking about it on TV.
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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

I liked hearing that Kim has Shawn’s back. 🤗🤗🤗
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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

Age of Possibility Tour Next stop: Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 8pm ET.

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Re: Q50 - The Age of Possibility

Let's all guess:  How many times do the Hosts incorporate the phrase, "Age of Possibilities" in their sales presentations in one day?  Or one show?  Think it may be fun.