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Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

[ Edited ]

Hello Folks,

Hope you are enjoying a fine fall day and the crisp cool air.....Have you visited that pumpkin patch yet?.....
Cat Inside Pumpkin Funny Photo
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You might want to add it to your to do list, OR you may want to stay in and grab a cup of coffee and watch QVC this weekend.......
Image result for real cat with pumpkins
13 Dog Photos That Will Get You Excited For Fall
Image result for real cat and pumpkin patch
Whats on tap on this autumn weekend.....Oh its something NEW........
Well....the TITLE is new....but the products....ah not so new...QVC presents...POWERFUL INNOVATIONS ...which is just a disguise for Halo electronics.....
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Shows throughout the day
  • 10/20/2018 2pm-3pm
  • 10/20/2018 6pm-7pm
  • 10/20/2018 8pm-9pm
But it wouldn't be a proper Q Saturday without AM STYLE WITH LEAH WILLIAMS..
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
Looks like some of the fashionistas are styling their Halloween costumes
Cute hat lol!!
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in the land is fairest of all? Flo is spot-on as Snow White.
These custom made cat hats (and on request for other pets as well) are one of the cutest things ever. How can you not fall in love with your feline after she has one of these on? I know you love yo…
Image result for real cats and pumpkins
Cat doesn't like his Lion Costume funny animals cat lion mad pets kitten costume kitty halloween grumpy
21 Pet Halloween Costumes So Cute You'll Cry
Orange you in the trick-or-treat spirit! Give me a Y-E-S!
Put your pup in a poodle skirt this Halloween.
Is it a Bird? is it a plane...oh it is a bird!
Image result for real cats and pumpkins
Kitty pumpkin!
Check out this Pomeranian in a frog costume!    
Excitement is building for this DIY dog Halloween Costume. Turn your pooch into a Lego brick - and it all starts with an empty shoebox.
Halloween cat all dressed up in costume
Our Favorite Pet Halloween Costumes of 2015
Howl-o-ween Has Gone To The Dogs! 55 Pics Of Dogs In Costumes ...
I bet you can't get enough of these shows...SATURDAY MORNING GIFTS at 10AM, and GREAT GIFTS at 3PM and 9PM
27 Surprised Cats Who Can't Believe What They Just Saw (PHOTOS)
Buff Cocker Spaniel Puppy sleeping under Christmas Tree
"I won't let Mom wrap gifts -- and when she moves me off the gifts I HISS at her! NOT SORRY!!
I am glad SOME of us are enjoying this.
Cat with gifts near Christmas tree
Christmas maltese #maltese
Clever Cat

[N E W] Meowy Christmas - Ugly Sweater Make a statement with this Awesome New Ugly Christmas Sweater-style Printed Tee! #cat #cats #meowy #meowychristmas #christmas #christmasgift #gift #lovecat #catLover
Next, it's our SHARK TANK gal... with CLEVER AND UNIQUE CREATIONS BY LORI GREINER..........Two shows 7PM and 9PM.................
Image result for dog sleeping on couch
So ends another exciting Saturday at the Q!
HAPPY SUNDAY ..........
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and its a special day on's COOKING ON Q DAY-HOLIDAY EDITION!!!
The home cooks and foodies will certainly be watching ............
Кот пришел на блины.
And it kicks off with KITCHEN AID.....Shows are at 8AM, 4PM, and again at 8PM.....
Image result for dog and kitchen aid mixer
8 Ways Cats Help Us In The Kitchen
Image result for dog and kitchen aid mixer
Image result for kitchen unlimited with carolyn
Reminds me of my Little Chef Annie
aii pode amassar???
And it wouldn't be a COOKING ON Q DAY without IN THE KITCHEN WITH DAVID.....
Image result for funny david venable and halloween
Foodies love the show.....
Chef Gordon Puggsey had a quote prepared, but our censor broke.
The 50 Absolute Best Animal Costumes Of All Time
Image result for real cats and pumpkins
World achievement: Dog makes cupcakes
Time to eat with GOURMET HOLIDAY....
This Cat Wants To Be Your Personal Chef
Image result for dog funny dining at dinner table
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Image result for tara mcconnell temptations show qvc
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And one last show on Cooking On Q day IN THE KITCHEN WITH MARY............
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and shoes
Mary's cat Jasper was exhausted after watching the show....
No automatic alt text available.
And so with Jasper we say GOOD NIGHT....
Image may contain: cat and indoor
HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!.............
Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Posts: 42,263
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

Another great preview @Spurt

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,014
Registered: ‎05-24-2016

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

Hello @Spurt ~ I always look forward to your "weekend preview" posts.  They sure do lift my spirits!👻  Thank you!❤️

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21



"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

[ Edited ]

@Spurt  Thank you, friend!  I think we can come up with a new show for Food Network....





I'm not short...I'm fun size!
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,248
Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

Thank you, @Spurt!  How can anyone pick a favorite when all your actors are so funny?  I will say, though, the pumpkin/kitty condo tugged my heart.  All these boring shows save us money.  

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Posts: 1,418
Registered: ‎06-02-2010

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

@Spurt 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹Still laughing at the decorated cat tree- we should do that and the kitten under the tree that looks like he’s singing Christmas carols! Too cute!

Thanks as always 😺

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Posts: 22,722
Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21


You certainly keep us laughing,

Honored Contributor
Posts: 35,076
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

@Pandalady wrote:

@Spurt  Thank you, friend!  I think we can come up with a new show for Food Network....







Hey Panda!!!===I absolutly positively LOVE your Food Network Furbaby Edition!!!--Contact the Food Network IMMEDIATELY!!! .....


I found something special for you from Kitchen Aid---its an actual Kitchen Aid item....



Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
Honored Contributor
Posts: 35,076
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Q DID WHAT? PRV 10/20-10/21

@PamfromCT wrote:

Thank you, @Spurt!  How can anyone pick a favorite when all your actors are so funny?  I will say, though, the pumpkin/kitty condo tugged my heart.  All these boring shows save us money.  



Image result for glitter cat thanks

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”