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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎05-21-2013

On May 12, I ordered a Dooney bag. On the 19th, I changed the color and placed the order on my card to proceed with easy pay. The status said in process and gave a est delivery date of 5/30.

I checked this morning (and again each half hour) to see the all easy pay view as I have four items on easy pay and wanted to check the status of my bag to see if it had shipped. NOW it says contact CS on the main screen and when I check on the order nuimber it says in process.

This is nothing new to me-it does this with all EP orders I make and within the hour, the "Contact CS" changes to "in process' but this time it's been over 24 hours! I really dread calling because I hate the downhill turn of their cs department. This is driving me insane! I may as well walk down to BELK DEPARTMENT STORE and buy one on sale at 20% off! If they don't process the order today, I'll probably just do that!