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I agree. How about a pair of sandals for $220!!!! In most of the US, thats about 4 months out of the year that sandals are practical to wear. I was recently wondering what kind of jobs Q customers have. A lot of wealthy ladies must tune in daily.

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I have to agree as far as the pricing being much higher this past year. I find I am usually only purchasing on easy pay .. I think the most ridiculous pricing is Lori Goldsteins ..but then again I dont care for her designs.. But if you go out to the malls their things are higher too. I am a plus size 1x and I go to Lane Bryant at times and their things are very high priced as well. we just have to shop responsibly . 

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I ordered a similar top from Bob Mackie, same fabric, same detail in print and it was about $10 less at full price.  If he can do that, why can't she?






ITA ....  one day on Facebook, SG gave us a tour of her home--it was posh & immaculate.... that is why her pricing is such.


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The women I know around here who buy from QVC too are all saying that they are not buying Susan Graver anymore because the tops are close to $60 and over and they are on a fixed income and can't afford it anymore. 


When we talk the Q the women also say that LOGO is way expensive and that it pills and wears badly. They also said LOGO fades in wash and doesn't wash well and ultimately last long. I have never tried LG soe I can't comment except that I would not pay for it and the styles are not to my taste.


EVerything on the Q has really gone up in the last two years I have noticed--even Denim & Co., which has always been a great value. I really think about my purchases before I order. It has to be really good for me to buy. 

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Re: Prices are ridiculous

[ Edited ]



@millieshops wrote:

Whether we think prices are high or low probably depends on how much money we have as well as on what we value. What's ridiculously overpriced for one shopper can be ridiculously low for another or even just right for a third.  Sort of like Goldilocks and that porridge!



That is correct, however value for the dollar never changes.

I agree. Diposable funds vary and so, to some extent, ' too expensive' is relative, but past a point not everything is relative. Some things being priced too high for what they are is the reality whether or not one can afford them... As far as I'm concerned, there's no debate on the shipping. They set the mark for high shipping prices they try to pass on to customers. Moreover, to not combine like items in one package and charge one fee is nothing more than gouging.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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One other comment -- I heard Jill say a few years ago that the reason the prices at QVC were so low was because they cut out the middle man.  It was a dumb statement.  QVC IS the middle man.  We are not buying from the manufacturer, we are buying from QVC and having to pay all their salaries and overhead costs.

So true... As I've said before, somebody has to pay for all the costs associated with all those channels, production staff, equipment, hosts and vendors yapping 24/7 and that somebody is us... At least for me, not happening so much these days...

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@Spurt One particular poster has called me out twice in one week, I was beginning to think she works for QVC, she seems to think that QVC is perfect and I am being excessive about my complaints, I just shake my head and reply you have your opinion I have mine, and I am not responding any further to her comments, I have better things to do then respond to her immature attitude!  Thanks though for validating me, it is nice to know there are still some people who like to see both sides of every situation!

@CareBears @Spurt It IS curious and rather glaring to encounter those on these boards who seem to think QVC can do no wrong and we are somehow wrong to suggest otherwise. I've often wondered what their relationship is to QVC...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Prices are ridiculous

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@Spurt wrote:

@CareBears wrote:

@Spurt Thank you for validating my point, it is NOT just me having problems with QVC as some posters would have us believe, and BTW, I deleted all other cards on my account also.  And try as they might they are not driving me from posting on these boards because they do not agree with my complaints about QVC which some posters have suggested I do, I have too many friends on these forums to punish myself by leaving because they feel I should because I point out that I have stopped shopping with QVC due to all the errors on my account over the last year, after all this is still a free country or did I miss something?



A lot of people have stopped shopping/watching or have reduced their shopping because of prices, repetitive products/programming that is not their taste, or CS etc etc, but remained on the Forum because of friendships they have made and want to your situation is pretty common....Some people like to be self appointed moderators and tell others what to think/do (they drive me crazy)--- just ignore them..Nothing in the Guidelines/Standards that say a purchase is necessary to participate in the Forums........

I very, very rarely buy anything from QVC anymore.  For many years I was an avid QVC shopper, but I have only purchased two items since 2015 (and one was a gift). Occasionally I watch a little bit of ITKWD as background noise, but not often, and that's about it.   I've mentioned this here before, and I usually get slammed for it.  "Why are you here?"  


Well, I'm here because these forums cover a wide variety of topics, many of them having nothing at all to do with QVC.  I enjoy the discussions, I've received some good advice, had some laughs, gotten to know and admire a few posters here, and it's kept me company on housebound days. I'm sure there are many people like me, and since QVC set these forums up with such a wide variety of categories, I'm also sure they have no problem with it.

Agree @NYC Susan... The 'why are you here' thing is laughable... As if because one doesn't hold the Almighty Q in high esteem one's relevance ceases to exist... While I'm not shopping as much across the board, for many years I was an avid QVC customer and the fact that I no longer am is mostly a function of them, not me... When I shop these days, it tends to be elswhere...

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Funny, maybe it’s just me, but I stop shopping where I’m continually dissatisfied, I don’t keep buying and hope they’ll change to satisfy me. I shop elsewhere. In a brick and mortar store, I don’t go in, tell the clerks and other customers that I’m not buying there any more because I’m unhappy with the prices, the quality and the store, and then leave - or hang around the store waiting to see if someone else will do the same, or to see if I can keep people from going in.


I just move on.


I think we all have to start a gang that stands outside stores we do not wish anyone at all to patronize.  Maybe a subset for stores with snooty clerks, another for stores with prices beyond our means, and at least one more for stores with poor displays.


I am still chuckling at your post!  

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Prices are ridiculous

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@handygal2 I agree. Shipping revenue, to and from, is almost definintely a profit center for them. If it weren't they'd have heard and heeded customer feedback by now. I'm not sure they could eek out enough profit margin without associated revenue.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...