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@MaggieMack wrote:

I bought some a couple of years ago, still have most of it. Here's the dilemma, I live alone, ok, with my pup, he doesn't care what smells because to him, everything is a good smell. So, when I have overnight guests, am I supposed to explain PooPouri??? Um, I don't think so.

Yes, I think you would have to explain to your guests.  As would I.  Unless we were lucky enough to have guests that already knew its purpose and how to use.  Smiley Sad

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Meh, I know about and like this product enough to buy it without the hour long presentation. Apparently the line is a little more than just toilet bowl sprays now. But it works and it sells, so it will get adequate airtime. Plus, QVC is definitely keeping the "channel surfers" in mind, especially with these kinds of products.


I just ordered more because this stuff really works. It's nice to have at home but even more important to have some at work!

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You can purchase this product at bed bath and beyond. It is a good product but an hour is a ling time fill. But I have seen Susan Graver go on about a hoodie.
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I suppose it depends on your situation. I have a girlfriend who has 3 teenage boys and a husband. There is no way she'd be without it.


Another friend's husband takes it to the hunting shack in the fall with the guys.


Seems to work albeit an obnoxious thing to sell!

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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I like the product and use it daily, but an hour long show no matter if ther are other new products or not , is a bit much. It's good smelling stuff for in the toilet for crying out loud.

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I have no idea why I decided to read this thread, but, I'm sitting here in pain from injuries/surgery and tears are rolling down my face from laughing. (And, I'm not on meds)


This thread is hilarious.Smiley LOL


"I contend that we are both atheists . I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."  Stephen Henry Roberts





Posts: 54
Registered: ‎01-16-2016
Glad it's taken a break. I think regular air freshener is fine but maybe in a party situation it's useful. But how many people poop at parties? Just probably good for work if you work 12 hrs or more straight and there's only one staff bathroom.
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@GeorgiaJack wrote:
Glad it's taken a break. I think regular air freshener is fine but maybe in a party situation it's useful. But how many people poop at parties? Just probably good for work if you work 12 hrs or more straight and there's only one staff bathroom.

Well when you got to go, you got to go. Smiley Wink

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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I have not read through all the replies but I did want to say I LOVE this product.  Aside from its' intended use it is a great air freshner and fabric refresher.  Lately I have had problems with artificial scents, I use this in my car after taking my dogs to the beach or woods, sometimes in the heating vents to freshen a room, even on my bedding for a light scent in the bedroom.  The scents are so natural, I really can't recommend them enough.