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On 3/31/2015 corita said:

I cannot imagine an hour show, but I was a skeptic until I bought some. The stuff really works; much better scent than those other horrible spray products. Have gifted it it as a "fun" gift and those people liked it too!!

Same here, never thought I would buy any, ended up getting the three 4oz bottles and I love the stuff. I use it as an air freshner in my car, bedroom etc...not even its' intended purpose. The scents are fantastic.

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I have been purchasing this stuff in a little bottle for under $ 5.00 for over 6 years. It is not new, and the lady on QVC did NOT invent it.

Also, you can make your own very cheaply and have enough to last forever, I make a 16 oz. bottle for about $ 4.00 and that will last a lifetime !

Also, you can create any scent you like !

The lady on QVC from the aroma company is making a killing packaging and selling the cheap oils as Pooh-Pourri. Wish I had done it, she's getting wealthy from it !!!!

They do get excessive about it and always seem to be discussing it in detail at dinner time !

Posts: 36
Registered: ‎03-29-2010
Then don't watch it! This is not the only channel onTV
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You know, it's fine for folks to keep the 'don't watch it' mantra alive and well, and really, I think most folks know not watching is an option and probably don't watch what they don't want to watch... If, though, at the end of the day, there is essentially nothing left of interest because a network persists in showing the same items ad nauseum, then why expect folks to just sit quietly and not express opinions, especially on this particular forum, which is called The Q Did What, and is intended as an area to field concerns...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Registered: ‎12-22-2013
Why don't people just eat better?
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 4/7/2015 Yammy25 said:

I have been purchasing this stuff in a little bottle for under $ 5.00 for over 6 years. It is not new, and the lady on QVC did NOT invent it.

Also, you can make your own very cheaply and have enough to last forever, I make a 16 oz. bottle for about $ 4.00 and that will last a lifetime !

Also, you can create any scent you like !

A bottle of essential oil from a health food store or even a grocery store works. Just shake the oil onto the water in the bowl. You don't really need Poo-Pouri unless you like the presentation. Will this post be removed, I wonder?

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On 4/13/2015 Justice4all said: Why don't people just eat better?

So that they don't ""go"" at all?

Isn't that kind of unnatural?

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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎12-11-2015

Love this stuff and you will too if you've got a powder room near your guest room that is not too far from other living spaces!!


I wrote this poem for my guest bathroom - thought I'd share!

“There’s many things WE ALL naturally NEED TO know,

But there’s no need to share “how & when” you GO!

So before you “DO…DO” shake & spray 3 times in the bowl,

& keep your secret from even the “NOSIEST” soul!


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Lol. I think they need to bring in some crossover products to go with it. There is a portable potty for hunters called the Bumper Dumper. It mounts onto your trailer hitch and comes with a privacy screen.
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Registered: ‎02-16-2011

An HOUR???  seriously, there is nothing else the Q can scrounge up to put on air??