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Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

Quite frankly, posts such as this have become tiresome and overlook many thinks.


First off, while the idea of "bringing back jobs" sounds great, the fact is most Americans, including many who complain about jobs going oversees, are unwilling to pay for items made here in the U.S.  For instance, how many of those who decry jobs going overseas, buy Cooks Essentials (or other cookware made in China) over All-Clad?  Most of them, that's who, because they don't want to spend $600 for a set of cookware when they can get a set for under $100, and that is just one example.


Additionally, when it comes to outsourcing employees to other parts of the world, in some cases (such as customer service agents in call centers), companies can hire university-educated workers oversees for less thn half of what they would pay non-college-educated American workers (I worked in call center operations for 11+ years--I know of which i speak).  When people here virtually riot when cable bills go up or fees or credit cards go up, these companies have to cust costs somewhere. 


So really ask yourself if you are willing to pay significantly more for things in order to bring jobs back to the U.S.?  Are you?  Really?  Becaise until you are willing to pry open your wallets, posts such as this are both disengenuous and hypocritical.


The other things which most overlook -- particularly in regards to manufacturing jobs -- is that technology and automation are replacing human workers, but that is another story entirely.

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Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

@just wonder wrote:

Enough said.  Can't those jobs in Poland be brought to the USA?  Your customers are paying enough for the goods we buy from you that maybe you could bring jobs to the United States.  Maybe this would be a good way to get even more customers and thus more revenue to offset the cost of jobs in the USA versus overseas??



Sure, those jobs could be "brought back" to the US - if you want the price of QVC merchandise to go up half again as much as it is now.


You think you're paying "enough" NOW that any and all QVC work "should be" able to be done in the US - with US wages, US holidays, US holidays and sick pay, and US healthcare.


How'd you like to pay $75 + $12 s&h for that $50 blouse?

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Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

@proudlyfromNJ That's true, things wouldn't be cheap if made in the US.  However, those people getting paid in the foreign countries aren't making a lot of money.  It's going into the pockets of the Chiefs.


With that in mind I don't know if it would be a whole lot more money.  If it is it's not because the US worker is getting it, it's because the Chiefs can gouge even more.  Ugh!

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Registered: ‎07-29-2012

Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

There is an ad on television currently from a New England shirt maker.  He talks about making shirts in the USA vs. China.  I looked up the cost of his shirts.  A simple man's dress shirt ran $150.  How many people are willing to pay that for one dress shirt? The person he is critical of sells their dress shirts at Macy's for $45.00.

The New England shirt maker is unfair in his criticism; made in USA means higher costs to the manufacturer and to the customer. That is the reality.

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Registered: ‎03-24-2010

Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

and to be picky, it is "overseas."

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Richard C. Call
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Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

@freakygirl We are already paying high prices for products made over seas due to the greed of everyone involved with the products. It's a lie that we don't have the factories here in the states to do the work. Evine offers plenty of clothing made right here in the states at reasonable prices, so it's also a lie that products would cost more if they were made here.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

I think it's unethical (at best) to send any jobs from the U.S. to another country.  I've stopped shopping at a lot of places who have done that.  Heck, I can't eat Oreos anymore so that's real pain!  Smiley Happy  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

@gmkb wrote:

There is an ad on television currently from a New England shirt maker.  He talks about making shirts in the USA vs. China.  I looked up the cost of his shirts.  A simple man's dress shirt ran $150.  How many people are willing to pay that for one dress shirt? The person he is critical of sells their dress shirts at Macy's for $45.00.

The New England shirt maker is unfair in his criticism; made in USA means higher costs to the manufacturer and to the customer. That is the reality.


If businesses would stop outsourcing these jobs, the prices would come way down.  As it is, they make big bucks off child labor and cheap labor and congress gives them tons of tax breaks for exporting jobs.  Stop the tax breaks and jobs would come back.


I worked for a Fortune 500 company for nearly 40 years, until I retired.  I was appalled when they started sending U.S. jobs to India and other countries.  They paid them only 13% of what an entry level U.S employee made and pocketed big bucks.  It's just wrong.

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Registered: ‎09-13-2012

Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

This kind of news doesn't motivate me to buy.  That's for sure. 


I hate being shunted off to India when I need tech support.  I don't have an exotic name, but they are unable to get it right even after I spell it.  I needed them to mail me a hard drive once and it's a wonder it even got here.  Sometimes it's clear they're reading from a script.  When you ask a question not on their script or which they must answer spontaneously, they're at a loss.  This takes up the customer's time, sometimes enormously.  It can be very difficult because they know their tech but cannot communicate. 


The companies don't care because it costs them less.  Our time is not a consideration for them.  Just look at the hoops we must jump through to call certain large corporations!  Their voice-response systems are a nightmare designed to waste customers' time while saving them money.  Sometimes I wonder whether they are also meant to stop people from calling at all.  We should just live with whatever we get from them and if there's a problem, too bad.  That's the new version of "the customer is always right."

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Please MORE jobs in the USA and not oversees!

@freakygirl - You're right.  The reason WalMart does so well is because they sell cheap items made in China.  When people say they want items that are made in America that means they are going to have to pay more.  And you already know that there have been plenty of posts on here about the high price of clothing.  That old saying - you can't have your cake and eat it too. 


As long as customers continue to support Walmart all manufactures have to send production overseas to compete.  About 15 years ago I researched this phenomenon of the domino effect.  

I have not stepped foot in a Walmart since!!