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Past unique shopping from Q........

I've been a Q shopper for over 30 years. I remember being entertained by and a shopper of unique programming such as:


50 state tours

Hawaiian island items (love this)

Irish Days

Once in a Life Time Jewlery(fun to look)

Harrods (UK) items

Holiday gift items from NYC (don't recall how it was named)

DVF silks

Iladro, German Beer Steins, Molly Dallas

Gabriella T sweaters

Precious Fibers


So many..........


This list is far from complete. I'm not sure that todays management understands the Q history and how it has built a unique business. Q may have a narrow customer base but it is a  loyal customer base.

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

@granddi wrote:

I've been a Q shopper for over 30 years. I remember being entertained by and a shopper of unique programming such as:


50 state tours

Hawaiian island items (love this)

Irish Days

Once in a Life Time Jewlery(fun to look)

Harrods (UK) items

Holiday gift items from NYC (don't recall how it was named)

DVF silks

Iladro, German Beer Steins, Molly Dallas

Gabriella T sweaters

Precious Fibers


So many..........


This list is far from complete. I'm not sure that todays management understands the Q history and how it has built a unique business. Q may have a narrow customer base but it is a  loyal customer base.

1) If those brands were continued best sellers, they would not have been 


2) The article I posted indicated Q indeed has a loyal base, the problem is they 

are failing to acquire and keep NEW customers. No company can  survive

without expanding its customer base.

3) Q is losing sales due to a wealth of options shoppers have on line.

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Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

[ Edited ]

I remember those Harrods shows!  I also loved the 50 in 50 tour.  They even occasionaly did remote shows featuring different states at various times.  Those were the days!


I also used to love the Timberlake throws.  They were beautiful.

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Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

It is so much fun to recall some fond memories I have of Boyds Bears. My dear mother adored them but didn't watch TV much. I would buy her one to sit on her bed after she made it each morning. She just thought they were so cute. She is gone now, but the bears now delight my little grandkids and still remind me of her and the smiles they brought. That was why I became a fan of Q.

I think what I miss most is seeing and learning about products I had never seen before. Now I can shop the internet and see lots of things, but not the same as having something presented to you and talking about it.

Such a shame Q isn't like that anymore. 

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

Why would anyone want to go bac to the days before the internet just to preserve their memories of a great time for them with QVC.  Those items mentioned are no longer profitaable since now there are very few stay at home moms who are bored so they watched shopping tv which was a new and excitng concept back then where you had to watch and order when the items were presented.  Very few have the time to do that now.  Life is always changing and if anyone chooses to live in the past that is ok but the reality is that change happens!!!  QVC has grown and is adjusting to the times and would not be here now if it had stayed the same as it was when they first aired!!!  So many wonderful things have changed since those days and I know I do not want to go back in time with none of the modern conveniences we have now that we did not then!!  The narrow customer base is not going to make a business succeed!!

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Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

@Pook - I wouldn't want to go back to the days before we had the Internet either.


But I still think it's a valid point that QVC no longer offers anything particularly different, from what you can get just about anywhere else.


If they at least had shows (or offerings online) that showed some originality, they might be in a better financial position.  As others have said repeatedly:  how many Dysons, Kitchenaids, or even expensive gourmet foods do we need?


If there was a show that featured something truly different and/or innovative, I might actually watch, whether on air or online.  And buy.  As it is, too often it's simply variations on the same products, over and over, that I can get elsewhere for a better deal.

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Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

QVC does have Birkenstock if that is your style.

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Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

@Venezia  Before the internet itwas easy to show products that were new and exciting but now that QVC is a larger,  most vendors of new products cannot produce the volumes of product that QVC is interested in.  Also, many who started with their products here left because they were constantly being told they needed to produce more and come up with more variety and then those that did found the quality of their products had to go down to keep their contracts with QVC.  One in particular that comes to mind is TIPS for nails.  They stated with HSN with only the one product then made a stronger solution for toes.  They ended up with hair products, nailpolish and remover and finally just left because they could not keep up.  I called their CS in Canada and did order from them for a few years until they came here with their original product.  Was told that the reason they left was to concentrate on their original product sales.  Now their presentations are rarely ever shown. That;s ok with me because at least I can get this nail care product that is the absolute best I have ever tried to strenghthen my nails and keep cuticles soft. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

I miss the unique items they used to sell. One of my first purchases was when I collected S&P shakers. At the time, I didn't do much online purchasing and was excited to find things that weren't available in my little town. I loved the Birkenstock shows, my favorite sandal, and probably purchased every time I saw a show. I miss the exciting jewelry designs when they offered them from many different vendors. It's changed, I've changed, we've all changed, but I still miss the old days. My bank balance does notWoman WinkDSCN1711.JPG

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Past unique shopping from Q........

Forgot to add that I really liked the 50 in 50 shows, giving American vendors a venue they normally wouldn't have.