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I didn't watch the show ... but my vote is with the caller.   Had the producer not wanted the call on the airwaves -- there is supposed to be a few seconds between the caller and what actually hits the TV -- it would have been blocked. 


I stopped watching this host long ago ... and it appears she has morphed into the "Queen Diva,"  replacing the one who left a couple years back ... 

@SoX, based on the fact that a caller dropped the big old "F" bomb the other night with Shawn, I don't think they use a delay.  Woman Surprised



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I didn't watch the show ... but my vote is with the caller.   Had the producer not wanted the call on the airwaves -- there is supposed to be a few seconds between the caller and what actually hits the TV -- it would have been blocked. 


I stopped watching this host long ago ... and it appears she has morphed into the "Queen Diva,"  replacing the one who left a couple years back ... 

@SoX, based on the fact that a caller dropped the big old "F" bomb the other night with Shawn, I don't think they use a delay.  Woman Surprised


@Lipstickdiva  ...


Oh, gawd!   That must have been some conversation ... I guess I miss a lot by not watching ... or maybe not!




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For me, calling out a host, on national TV is embarrassing and unncecessary.  I think it should've been handled by the producer who is supposed to screen the calls before going to the host.  I respect that the caller had a concern/complaint, but I do not respect that she thought it was best to humiliate the host on TV.  JMO...

Well Shawn has been rounding down for years, so the Producer(s) obviously did not think it was a problem.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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I didn't watch the show ... but my vote is with the caller.   Had the producer not wanted the call on the airwaves -- there is supposed to be a few seconds between the caller and what actually hits the TV -- it would have been blocked. 


I stopped watching this host long ago ... and it appears she has morphed into the "Queen Diva,"  replacing the one who left a couple years back ... 

@SoX, based on the fact that a caller dropped the big old "F" bomb the other night with Shawn, I don't think they use a delay.  Woman Surprised


Ha!  Sorry I missed it ! 


Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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I tried to watch the show several times, but Shawn has just been so far off the mark lately ,I just could not. I didn't see the caller part of the presentation, but they say they don't tell the caller what to say, so you get what you get. I think the producers are lazy when they don't show all the info on sizing and fabric content and so is the host when he or she can't even tell you what the correct price is. There are many people who order by phone and need to know specifics.QVC is supposed to be servicing and giving the customer what they want and the caller was rude and out of line. I don't think so!

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎05-22-2015

What is worse is when Shawn says 'Normally this would be X amount of dollars , plus shipping & tax bringing it up to about X amount. But, since it is on clearance you only pay X amount." So, normally I would have to pay shpping and tax but since it is on clearance I don't? She does tricky math adding shipping and tax to the normal price and leaving it off the clearance or sale price. I like Shawn but that gets on my nerves. Don't treat people like they are stupid.  


I think the best host is Alberti and having him over on beauty IQ is a sin. I don't care if it is a man presenting woman's clothing. Most Q host could learn from him. More Alberti on regular Q. Vendors, I think Angel is great and Liam, especailly because they have to repeat so much of the same info  over and over. 


Customers want info, not BS about how cute something is. We can see that. 

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If they want us to get all info. from our computers, then they don't need to be there to present the items.  Too much silliness now and not enough information we need to make an informed purchase.

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If they want us to get all info. from our computers, then they don't need to be there to present the items.  Too much silliness now and not enough information we need to make an informed purchase.

This is something I have said many times.  Why not just have something that roates the products around and just eliminate the hosts.  After all, a lot of them do nothing more than that when presenting and don't give all the product info and details.   It seems to be more important to tell us that we can wear Denim & Co or Graver items to church, pumpkin picking or to clean the toilets, but any other info you just have to get online to find.  If the viewer has to do all the legwork, then why have hosts at all?   When I'm watching tv I shouldn't have to be on the computer at the same time.

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I've noticed that Shawn does that, she leaves the cents off the price.  They're really 2 cents away from $45.00, they're not $44.00.

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I missed it, but I have heard callers who said worse than that.  One time Rick had a live wire who said some really personal uncalled for things. Personal attack that had nothing to do with his job performance.


In this case, the caller was correct.  If you are going to round off a number, do it correctly.  Also some hosts quote the first easy pay and not the total price. It could be confusing.


Many people are hearing or sight impaired.  The correct information should be given at all times.  We don’t need snake oil tactics.


The caller sounds like she was rude, but she was right.


Hopefully, the hosts will all give their customers the correct information in the future.


In the old days of QVC, this problem never existed.  Consumers were respected and not taken for fools.