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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@NJBeach    I did that in Las Vegas playing a slot machine. They bring you free drinks. I realized I was asleep pushing the button.

   Fortunately I only play quarters!

    Glad you found some nice gifts, much better than slots.

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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@Its Me LuLuBelle2   Thank you!  BIG is 65.  I'm officially OLD! LOL  I have my Medicare card now, and am oh so grateful for that!  Other than that, it's bizarre!  How can I possibly be 65 already?  I don't feel OLD! (Thank goodness!)

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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@ItsME wrote:

@NJBeach   My (BIG) birthday is tomorrow.  Can't wait for that gift!  LOL


Thanks for the laugh.  I'm glad you're happy with your purchases!  (Or, at least, they are very interesting!)

@ItsMEwhat is your big birthday?  I was  6-0 on Friday. eeek

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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@Mary Bailey   Happy Birthday!  I'm a bit older than you.... 65 tomorrow.  Talk about EEK!

Valued Contributor
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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@ItsME, yep, I got that Medicare card last year. When I got that first SS direct deposit, I actually felt guilty! Then I thought, man, I've been paying into these benefits for 50 years! Keep em comin'!

And pretty lady, you're NOT old! Getting better and better with age, just like the fine wine @NJBeach got into Friday night! I wish you many, many more happy birthdays and my birthday wish is you celebrate them all in good health! Hugs, LuLu
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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@Its Me LuLuBelle2   Thank you SO MUCH!  One more year for Social Security.  I can't wait!  LOL

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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

What a depressing post. Yikes.

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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!


* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@ItsME wrote:

@Mary Bailey   Happy Birthday!  I'm a bit older than you.... 65 tomorrow.  Talk about EEK!

Happy birthday @ItsME


@Mary Bailey- Happy belated birthday!


(hope I didn't miss anyone)

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Ouch my bank account! Haha!

@San Antonio Gal   Thank you so much!