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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

@JasoninBoston wrote:

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Oh come now, are the posters who always comment on how beautiful a host is ,or how they hate their hair or are they pregnant obsessed with them. Where is this host, I hope they are ok etc. The fact is people like who they like, some people miss Lisa. Their posts hurt no one. There are a couple of hosts that I wish I could miss, but that I will keep to myself, as it would be unkind.

Thank you!! These people (and it's always the same ones) are like the class bully! Smiley Sad

As someone who's attended several bullying workshops, I think you're misguided @JasoninBoston.

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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

[ Edited ]

@JasoninBoston wrote:

I continue to be saddened by the mean posts in my threads!!  Each time I post anything weather it is about Lisa or anything else ( yes I have posted LOTS about many other topics) the same cast of nasty posters automatically post horrible things either about me or my chosen topic.  I have an idea--if you find me or the topics I chose to comment on

on so horrible or troublesome PLEASE just move on to another thread.  What a bunch of not nice people here!! Smiley Sad

@JasoninBoston, have you forgotten where you are? Sadly, things no one would ever dream of saying to someone in person gets said here on a daily basis. It's the nature of the Internet. Some very unhappy people unable to vent in the real world insult others here. Beautiful women like Lisa are a favorite target. So just ignore the serial unhappy ones and keep on sharing... I enjoy your posts.

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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

Chatting with RuPaul ??? .... no thanks~!

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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

Thanks for the info. but I will miss this one.  Never did care for RuPaul but I know it will be a good interview to watch for people who do like him.

Keep us posted on any others that come up.

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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

I took a look at the video @JasoninBoston thank you.  I was hoping Rupaul meant perhaps she was finally getting into a home/holiday decorating venture (forgive me for making that leap, but I could see the two of them offering fabulous items!).  I did not watch it longer than 5 minues; are they personal friends?  Is there a decoratring venture?


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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

[ Edited ]

What was she interviewing for?  His fashion advice??!   Smiley Surprised



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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!! that's just plain     

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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

She is trying to increase her followers and a wider audience.  Do you think she pictures herself as a talk show host?  Maybe she will eventually get off her couch. 

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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

I know who Lisa Robertson is ... but who is RuPaul?  

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Re: OMG Lisa Robertson is inteviewing RuPaul now!!

Thanks but no thanks.  Why continue with all the announcements about what she's doing if so many here already follow her at Facebook?  Personally I think it's a conflict of interest since she worked for the Q for so many years and for the rest, I'll keep it to myself.. 

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