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No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

I look everyday for the specials, yesterday there was a Lunchtime but no Prime.   Today no Lunch and no Prime.  Guess someone forgot to load.  I get some great buys from both and hope someone will noticed that they are not there.

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

Those specials are always fun but this last year the prices were no long special.  So many items are repeats.

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

And where oh where is a free shipping day so I can order items on my wish list??

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime


@tampalady wrote:

I look everyday for the specials, yesterday there was a Lunchtime but no Prime.   Today no Lunch and no Prime.  Guess someone forgot to load.  I get some great buys from both and hope someone will noticed that they are not there.

When they don’t appear on home page, just do a search.  Lunchtime specials are on the app from right after midnight, usually.

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

LTS are up now! Nothing for me.

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

[ Edited ]

@tampalady   They were there for a  few minutes and now they are gone. Must be a QVC IT problem.  It was there long enough for me to spend a little money>Smiley LOL

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

Nothing no matter what I do. I guess they are not really here for us. Woman LOL

QVC is having a tough time. I have never seen so many complaints. Hopefully things will get better soon. The mod staff here on the forums seem to be doing the best and most efficient job of problem solving.

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

@tiny 2 I conquere what you said but today even the mods do not answer our problems/questions we are having!

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

I must have gotten the few minutes for lunchtime because I ordered Quacker Factory jeans and than it disappeared.  Hope it will get fixed.

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Re: No Lunchtime Specials or Primetime

here is the link if anyone wants to view the LTS.

no issues for me on a laptop.

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