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Watching the new host Monifa on Q2.  She's doing a great job.

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@Teddixat wrote:

Watching the new host Monifa on Q2.  She's doing a great job.

It would help if the NYDJ rep wouldn't keep interrupting her. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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I agree! She's great. I hope we see more of her. 

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I don’t think she’s great but, she’s new so time will tell 🙃

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When I saw her photo the other day her smile reminded me of one of my favorite actresses on TV, Sheryl Lee Ralph, who has the same beautiful smile.

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Monifa is a delight and she was fabulous with my girl Julia Cearley. Monifa adores Julia and said shes her LA girlfriend. They both are from LA.
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 She atleast gave some of the  jean dimension legnths . Julia usually gives the dimensions so if she  helped  guide her as a new Host, maybe she'll continue to give us all the  basic info on an item and not get caught up in useless banter ..

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Thinking this is all Julia's personality. Shes totally genuine fun and not afraid to laugh at herself. Give her a chance and shes a delight
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Question, didn't QVC just fire about four hosts, and now they are hiring new ones????

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Registered: ‎10-09-2012


@Calcgirl wrote:

Question, didn't QVC just fire about four hosts, and now they are hiring new ones????


@Calcgirl  You've been bringing this up repeatedly in multiple ways in different threads.  I'm not sure if you got your answer yet. 



Yes, QVC let go four longer-term hosts, and over 400 other employees.  Yes, QVC has now hired 3 brand new hosts.