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I used to be able to easily find new items. I would go to the menu, click on "new," scroll down until I found "filter by brand," then click on "more." A box would appear with the brands listed, the number of new items, and a box to the left of the brand I would check. Then I clicked "done." 


Now when I do all of that and click "new," ALL of the items in the brand show up! The only way I can see any new items is to click the brands one at a time. Then I have to go back to the main page and start over to see the next brand!



Has anyone else noticed this, or am I doing something wrong?

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I go to 'New' then sort by 'Newest First', it gives me all of the 'new' items for all brands.

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@KingstonsMom wrote:



I go to 'New' then sort by 'Newest First', it gives me all of the 'new' items for all brands.

Thanks @KingstonsMom, but I can't find "newest first." I have new today, new yesterday, new this month, and trending today.  Smiley Frustrated

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Re: “New” Items

[ Edited ]



Once you click on 'New', scroll down to the list of new items and look on the right side of the page, you'll see 'Sort By', click there and a drop down menu will show several sort options, select 'Newest First'.



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@KingstonsMom - Thanks- I see it now!  Smiley Happy