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This is a new one for me.  My package was scheduled for delivery today.  When I checked it said:  A railroad mechanical failure has delayed delivery.  I have recieved delay notices in the past but none like this.  Not holding my breath on received my item any time soon.

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Hmmmmm... that is different for me as well.  I'd be interested in when and if you receive it AND what condition it's in (also "iffy" these days).

I'm Team Biftu !!!

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I think twice over the years, I've gotten messages that reference railroad derailments.  I seriously doubt a QVC package ever saw a train.  If your tracking # is a USPS number, you can go to their website, enter the number and get the REAL story.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎11-06-2011

@Biftu - I have seen similar updates about railroad issues for both USPS and UPS deliveries over the years. If memory serves, I believe my package was on its way to me again within 48 hours in each instance. The issue is typically just what they state, a mechanical failure with the transport vehicle, not a problem with the packages on board. Hopefully, your order will be on your doorstep soon!