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The constant running your fingers through your hair is unprofessional.  Pull it back in a ponytail.  

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@San Antonio Gal wrote:

The constant running your fingers through your hair is unprofessional.  Pull it back in a ponytail.  

@San Antonio Gal  I agree!   Really annoying

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Rosina who I enjoy does the same thing.  But who's Nancy?

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I noticed that too and I work with a gal that does that constantly and drives me nuts.



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It `could be a nervous habit or a dozen other things. I really don't care about what she does with her hair.  


Compassion and tolerance are good things to have.

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If she's that nervous, live television might not have been the wisest of career choices.

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Re: Nancy's hair

[ Edited ]

This will probably get 'poofed,' it's not any different than SK constantly wiping her nose with her hand when she has her allergies, that's annoying!

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@SoCal Bred Nose wiping is much worse than hands In hair I think

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Both annoying and unsanitary, IMO

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Courtney also plays with her TOO LONG, FAKE hair extensions. VERY annoying.