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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

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Meredith did have her own show at one time was called THE BLUE JEAN CHEF....she cooked and demonstrated QVC products and gave some good cooking tips (there were no vendors it was just her).....she was calm and informative.... I enjoyed the show and wish they'd bring it back. But to keep me engaged and watching the show and possibly buying it has to have a variety of new and unique products....not just the same stuff we see over and over again on ITKHWD and ITHKWM  

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

[ Edited ]

I was just going to do this topic!



1. Valerie Par Hill


2. Elle from Lenox


3. Amy Scaglione from Home Reflections


4. Jen Kovich (long dark hair) who reps Temptations/food (she used to do Lobstergram)..........


5. Jane DeNoble who does the Green Tree Hanger/other home goods


6. Bethanie Lori from orYany (purses)


7. Ginger Walt who does the garden items.


8. Dawn Magid who does the George Foreman Grill/etc.

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

Actually Susan Graver, Lori Grenier and Lori Goldstein would do very well with selling their own products.

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

@Kachina624 wrote:

Amy Oselkin from Clark's and Oscar the electronics guy. 

@Kachina624 I really like Oscar too. I really like it when he's paired with Rick D or David V. They're really fun to watch.


Lots of good vendors mentioned in this thread. It's hard to remember all of them until someone mentions them. 

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

I would like to see Oscar as a host. I like Oscar so much I named my cat after him.

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

I like Oscar too, but do you think he could do other shows besides electronics?

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

@morning glory wrote:

I would like to see Oscar as a host. I like Oscar so much I named my cat after him.

Seriously? That's sweet! Heart


I once had a dog named after Scarlett O'Hara. Well, just the first name, the O'Hara was changed to O'Furry.

It's funny how we pick our pet's names. Smiley Happy

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

@SusieQ_2  I've been a big Oscar fan since the day he was on with Albany.  They were selling something that played music and in her usual manner insisted he dance with her.  He refused several times, then finally agreed.  Then he said, "would you please let me lead?"  Score one for Oscar. 


He has a great voice and is very quick.  I imagine he could sell anything. 

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

@Kachina624 wrote:

@SusieQ_2  I've been a big Oscar fan since the day he was on with Albany.  They were selling something that played music and in her usual manner insisted he dance with her.  He refused several times, then finally agreed.  Then he said, "would you please let me lead?"  Score one for Oscar. 


He has a great voice and is very quick.  I imagine he could sell anything. 

Cute story! I don't know if I can fault her for that. I might insist on a dance with Oscar too if given the opportunity! 

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Re: Name current QVC vendor that would be a good host!

I enjoy Oscar, but he isn't a vendor, he's one of their product specialists for electronics. 


I honestly pay no attention to the personality of a vendor unless they really annoy me enough to turn the channel (and some do). They're hardly allowed to open their mouths with some hosts anyway. They are non-entities AFAIC, even the ones who develop fan followings on the forums.

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