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Re: Mods Tell Rick it is Le Creuset NOT La Creuset, please!

Pat still cannot pronounce Tignanello.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Mods Tell Rick it is Le Creuset NOT La Creuset, please!

@Qshopper1991 wrote:



Love him all you want, but it's very unprofessional to prounounce a very well known cookware incorrectly.


That's like pronouncing one of his co-workers' name incorrectly.  You just don't do that.  It makes him look un-educated in what he's selling.


I agree.  I like Rick too, but all hosts should be pronouncing the names of what they sell correctly.  If I owned a company, I certainly wouldn't want the name mispronounced.  It's careless, and - as you said - unprofessional.  Hosts pronouncing incorrectly leads to consumers doing the same thing, and no company wants that.


Attention to detail matters in television, and in sales also.  This just looks sloppy.  QVC should aim to be better than that.

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Re: Mods Tell Rick it is Le Creuset NOT La Creuset, please!

Very unprofessional.  Many of the hosts just don't seem to care enough to learn about the products they are hocking.  If you can't even say the name correctly, you aren't trying.

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Re: Mods Tell Rick it is Le Creuset NOT La Creuset, please!

So much is mispronounced what's one more?  I say that tongue in cheek but it's true.  The two letters A and U together is an O sound.  Mauve (the color) is not Maave!


(That's from Google and has an auditory as well!)
It floors me that there are not any classes for these hosts to go to... it would be the professional thing to do!
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Re: Mods Tell Rick it is Le Creuset NOT La Creuset, please!

@BalletBabe wrote:

I LOVE RICK, Who cares if he  pronounces something incorrect?   Rick is a great host and I love watching him and his shows.  

I like Rick too, but if he is going to be on air presenting a product the least he can do is get the facts right and that includes pronouncing the name correctly as well as getting the color names correct.  Now I gave him a pass regarding the color names because it was the first one-hour presentation for Le Creuset, but heck at least pronounce the brand name right.  The hosts spend considerable time preparing for their shows so there really is no excuse. 

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Re: Mods Tell Rick it is Le Creuset NOT La Creuset, please!

I could care less if a host mispronounces a name.   Maybe someone should point it out after the show, but to crucify him for it is crazy!