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May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

Looks like the powers that be at QVC do not like feelings we have about certain show hosts, even though they love to get our money; so...back to catalogs where I don't have to watch/listen to certain hosts.  I am definitely going to be more choosey about what I watch and about ordering.  Other social media sites do not isolate their on-air personalities from praise/criticism, so why will QVC management not listen to its long-time customer opinions about what they like and do not like about show hosts?  All we want is more genuine and kind hosts who are more interested in intelligently presenting merchandise than idle chit chat and watching themselves on camera.  The more veteran show hosts have never gotten this way.  I sure hope this does not get zapped also. 

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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

@just wonder @I have to shop elsewhere for a different reason but if more people don’t start soon there will be nothing left of the stores with doors.I am finding that stores are streamlining their inventory so much that they no longer carry products I purchased.I now have to order online and it just sets the ball in motion for me to do that more frequently.

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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

Many retail stores now serve as warehouses so they can fulfill regional online orders more quickly. A store manager told me this about the local clothing/accessory store he manages. They may have a dress in 6 sizes but only have 2 on the rack—the others are pulled for online orders.

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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

I agree. I am having a hard time with the fit of many items and the fabric. I also am tired of the few Host's they push on us. 























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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

I hear ya....and I tried that Smiley Wink Even add going to the mall, but I would mentally compare everything to the Q's selection and the quality, price point, and fit just wasn't there. Of course, that can't be said for everything, but enough in my experience to keep shopping at the Q

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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

For every 100 customers who can't stand a particular host, there could be twice as many or more that DO like that particular host.


QVC bases the hosts on sales, that's their bottom line and rightfully so, not because of some opinions of that particular host.


You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

[ Edited ]

The very best (maybe the only?) way to voice your opinion is with your $$$.  If enough customers shop elsewhere they are bound to take notice and make changes.

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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

@KingstonsMom wrote:

For every 100 customers who can't stand a particular host, there could be twice as many or more that DO like that particular host.


QVC bases the hosts on sales, that's their bottom line and rightfully so, not because of some opinions of that particular host.




Exactly!  @KingstonsMom 


We have to remember that we on these forums are but a drop in the bucket compared to the 95 million households or so that QVC is in.


For example:


A host that may drive me crazy, and I refuse to purchase from, might just be pulling in huge sales numbers.  So the 30 hearts I got on my thread complaining about him doesn't really matter much in the big scheme of things.

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Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

@just wonderDepends upon who WE is.  For sure not everybody who posts here likes the same hosts or dislikes the same set of hosts -- which group do you expect the PTB to satisfy?

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Registered: ‎10-03-2014

Re: May have to go back to catalog and brick and mortar shopping

Rarely change the channel, but earlier today what I saw was a host who appeared to be auditioning for a movie role rather than selling products.  If I hadn't seen the models, I could have thought the program was all about selling herself. 


Slowly, becoming more and more obnoxious over time, I wonder if this person is coached to act this way or has become overly confident in front of the camera?  She wasn't this way several years ago. 


I've seen many complaints here over time, most taken down by mods, some petty and mean, some very worthy of attention, but I think QVC must see all of them as petty and mean and dismisses them. 


I'm sure QVC has sales trainers who teach "tricks" to sell more.  One of them might be to become more animated, outgoing, friendly, and engaging.  That might work on some of them because they know how to carry it off naturally.  For others, it comes across as I said above...auditioning for a role. 


A few others have become, slick, practiced, fast talkers, there's a new host acting this way, they appear to be "hawking" the products...the word often attributed to home shopping. 


Some retailers take complaints very seriously, others don't.  Guess which ones are still around after being in business for 50 - 100 years?