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Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

I am loving her hair! She looks so pretty in the aqua colored striped QF shirt she has on. I really like MBR and find her easy to watch. So professional!

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Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

I'll second that.

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Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

[ Edited ]

She  is such a pleasant  woman,a joy to see,Maryanne 

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Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

Agreed. Mary Beth always looks great. She is just a beautiful person inside and out. And she's a pleasure to watch on QVC. It's been that way for thirty years. Kudos to her.


But now, WOW! I just tuned into the Laura Geller show with Jane Treacy as the host. Jane looks absolutely gorgeous!!! That DRESS...her hair....and her makeup, WOW! No one "cutes up" like Jane. And I have to add that Laura Geller ALWAYS looks beautiful from head to toe, too. Her clothing, jewelry, hair, and, of course, her makeup look so nice each and every time.


Lovely ladies abound tonight on the Q!  

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Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

yes .. i saw Mary Beth and thought she looked great..

Evertime I see her in torquise she looks good.


I wrote about Jane last night .. and you are right

on Laura's show she looks fab....

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Registered: ‎06-13-2016

Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

I should have said Aqua.. and its easier to spell ...!!

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Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

If it is a product that I am interested in...Mary Beth is one host I can watch for the entire hour!!  She is calm, cool and collected.  She explains and describes so well...especially with clothing products!!

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Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

Haven't seen Mary Beth in ages as I only watch later at night.  But, the shorter her hair looks (especially with volume and height) the prettier I think she looks.


I agree about Laura Geller.  She is always the epitome of put together and class.



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Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

  • Hee, hee. That's funny😂😂
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Registered: ‎12-28-2014

Re: Mary Beth looks beautiful tonight!

She did look beautiful and does. I caught part the show on a work break and thought wow she looks great in the TSV top the stripes I thought made her look more fit and trim.

And yes sense Jane was brought up she looked beautiful also.I loved her dress in the spring colors. First time in a while I seen her wearing non Q clothes. Kudos to her for representing Q clothes though. The style of dress I've seen her wearing numerous times over the year's it's perfect for her body shape.