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Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

She’s given her more compliments than any host she’s ever worked with! 🌸
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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

Uh Oh......

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

[ Edited ]

WOW! Martha Stewart is a PERFECTIONIST and not that easy to impress!!!👍 For her to recognize Julia that way is indeed an HONOR!❤ Kudos to Julia for having her hard work acknowledged that way!🥰


She is professionable, knowledgeable, easy going, and does not take herself too seriously! She ALWAYS appears to enjoy her work and the vendors with whom she works!❤



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C



That makes me really happy for Julia.  I like her as a host.😃🌸

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

Upon first seeing this thread I thought for sure it was started by JONNYSBRO!

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

So what was said?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

She clearly seemed to be very impressed with Julia. Martha doesn't easily dish out compliments.

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C


I like Martha, but could not watch it.  Uh oh... Cat Indifferent

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

I noticed that she normally compliments most of  the hosts she works with.


Has someone actually counted and kept track of the compliments given out?


Who's logging this info?   I would like to see the results.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

[ Edited ]

@RescueLover.   Our friend, @jonnysbro, will be so pleased with Martha.  Now that makes two of them.


As I recall, Martha was quite taken with Alberti too.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment